
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.0) of this package.

1.0.0 2023-11-14 14:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 14:16:06 UTC


It's an api first approach laravel wrapper, comes with shopify authentication and easy access shopify api.


After deprecate of gnikyt/laravel-shopify, i tried Shopify's official php wrapper, but i found it highly focus on shopify so hard to implement other platform on it, and hard to build api oriented SPA app for shopify app store.

I was looking for something where i have the freedom to architect my own application, so i decided to build one.
I use laravel socialite so all the laravel dev can easily use this wrapper package hassle-free.


use this command bellow in your existing laravel project

composer require kmrifat/laravel-shopify

Publish providers

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kmrifat\Shopify\ShopifyServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate

Using shopify in your project

use Kmrifat\Shopify\Facades\Shopify;

$shopify = Shopify::shop('','access_token');

// use rest get request
// you will only need to pass topic instate passing the entire url

// use post method to modify anything in shopify, the first argument will be the topic and second one will be the payload
$shopify->rest()->post('products', []);

// use graphql
    'query' => 'query_string',
    'variables' => [] // pass query variables

For quick and easy access you can create a method in User model like this example bellow

namespace App\Models;
use Kmrifat\Shopify\Facades\Shopify;

class User extends Authenticatable 
    public function shopify()
        return return Shopify::shop($this->name, $this->shopify_access_token);
        // $this->name = shopify shop domain
        // $this->shopify_access_token = shopify store access token
        // you can store the shop domain and access token anywhere you want, all you just need to pass this in shop parameter


add this keys and value in your env to power this package to perform authentication and other activities

SHOPIFY_APP_NAME= #put your app name and wrape them in duble quite "My Shopify APP"
SHOPIFY_APP_CLIENT_ID=#"Your shopify app client id"
SHOPIFY_APP_SECRET=#"Your shopify app secret"
SHOPIFY_APP_REDIRECT=#"Create a redirect url at your route and pase the redirect url here. i.e: /auth/callback"
SHOPIFY_APP_SCOPES=#put the app scopes and seperate them by (,) comma
SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK=#for local development you can put ngrok url to recieve the webhook response, for production replcae it by your main domain

If you are planning to build an api interactive app then you can ignore SHOPIFY_APP_REDIRECT as you are handling it by the frontend.
Checkout this link to create shopify app


The package using socialite for shopify authentication, all you need to use shopify driver in socialite. See the example bellow

Route::get('/', function () {
    if (request()->has('shop')) {
    // If you want to authenticate in shopify store from the app, you just need to pass the shopify store name in shop query string,
    // i.e: 
        return \Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::driver('shopify')->stateless()->scopes(config('shopify.scopes'))
            ->with(['redirect_uri' => $request->redirect_uri ?? config('shopify.redirect')])
            ->redirect(); // use ->getTargetUrl() before closing statement if you are build an API oriented application, so it will return your the redirect url instate redirect from the backend
    return view('welcome');

Route::get('/auth/callback', function () {
    $shopifyUser = \Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite::driver('shopify')->stateless()->user();
    $user = User::updateOrCreate([
        'email' => $shopifyUser->email,
    ], [
        'name' => $shopifyUser->nickname,
        'email' => $shopifyUser->email,
        'shopify_access_token' => $shopifyUser->token,
    // you can use passport / sanctum or any of favorite  to perform the authentication
    Auth::login($user, true);

    return redirect('/dashboard');


To register webhook all you need is to create a job and register this job in conifg/shopify.php

'webhooks' => [
    ['shopify/webhook', \App\Jobs\YourJob::class] // first element of this array will be the topic of webhook and second element of this array will your targeted job of the webhook

Example Project