
A simple class that allows to extract the original file from a signed p7m file. All Credits to Filippo Toso. I only made 1 small change

v1.1.1 2020-04-08 20:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 21:44:08 UTC


A simple class that allows to extract the original file from a signed p7m file.

Added a secondary function in case the original function fails.


  • PHP 7.0+
  • Symphony Prcess 3.3 or 4.0+


Behind the scenes this package leverages openssl. You can verify if the binary installed on your system by issueing this command:

which openssl

If it is installed it will return the path to the binary.


You can install the package via composer:

composer klement-alexander/p7m-extractor


Extracting text from a pdf is easy. P7M::extract('test.pdf.p7m', 'test.pdf', 'C:/Program Files/OpenSSL-Win64/bin/openssl.exe')

use FilippoToso\P7MExtractor\P7M;

$success = (new P7M())

Or easier:

use FilippoToso\P7MExtractor\P7M;

$success = P7M::convert('source.pdf.p7m', 'destination.pdf');

By default the package will assume that the openssl command is located at /usr/bin/openssl. If it is located elsewhere pass its binary path to constructor

use FilippoToso\P7MExtractor\P7M;

$success = (new P7M('/custom/path/to/openssl'))

or as the last parameter to the extract static method:

$success = P7M::convert('source.pdf.p7m', 'destination.pdf', '/custom/path/to/openssl');

If you want to get the content as a string instead of saving it to a file you can use the get() method or the extract() static method.