
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

send notification to Slack for PHP

v2.0.1 2016-05-24 07:33 UTC


Build Status

SlackNotify is a PHP Library that enables you to send messages to slack using incoming webhook integration.


This library requires Curl and Memcached extensions to be installed

  • Curl extension is used to call and post payload to Slack's WebHook URL
  • Memcached extension will be used for checking send limit. Limit can be set as count and duration values


  • We recommend using Composer:
composer require klabcyscorpions/slack-notify:v2.0.0
  • Alternatively, you can download the slack-notify.zip in the release page. Just extract it and include the files under src/ directory

Setup (Slack)

  1. Create an Incoming WebHook integration.
  2. Select a channel where to post the message.
  3. Note for the WebHook URL and add it to the config.


  1. Define required client settings.

    define('WEBHOOK_URL', 'https://api.slack.com/webhook-url/xxxx/xxxx');
    /** Memcached connection settings */
    define('MEMCACHED_HOST', 'localhost');
    define('MEMCACHED_PORT', 11211);
    define('MEMCACHED_KEY', 'slack-report-key');
    /** Limit to max of 10 sends per 60 seconds */
    define('LIMIT_COUNT', 10);
    define('LIMIT_DURATION', 60);
  2. Create new Limit, Memcached, Notify and Slack classes with the defined settings

    use KLabCyscorpions\SlackNotify\Limit;
    use KLabCyscorpions\SlackNotify\Notify;
    use KLabCyscorpions\SlackNotify\Slack;
    //create limit object
    $limit = new Limit(LIMIT_COUNT, LIMIT_DURATION);
    //create memcached object using defined Memcached class
    //this will be used to check send limit
    $memcached = new Memcached();
    $memcached->addServer(MEMCACHED_HOST, MEMCACHED_PORT);
    //create notify object instance
    $notify = new Notify($memcached, $limit, MEMCACHED_KEY);
    //create slack object
    $slack = new Slack(WEBHOOK_URL);
  3. Create new instance of Client based from the created instances of Slack and Notify classes

    return new Client($slack, $notify);
  4. Generate payload and send it to slack. See Slack Formatting API to check how to create payload data.

    $payload = array(
        'channel' => '#general',
        'text' => 'This message is sent to #general by SlackNotify!'

    Send method may throw SlackNotifyException if calling slack webhook url did not return an ok response. See error log file to view the webhook response message.

Other Method(s)

Methods Description
$client->disableLimit() Disable limit checking before sending to slack
$client->getNotify() Get Notify class instance
$client->getSlack() Get Notify class instance