
Coltrane is a command line utility to transform CSS (and SVG) colors between different representations. It supports transformations between Display P3, hex, hsl, hsla, rgb and rgba.

1.2.1 2023-11-17 08:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 11:49:49 UTC


Coltrane is a command line utility to transform CSS (and SVG) colors between different representations. It supports transformations between Display-P3 (with and without alpha), hex, hsl, hsla, rgb and rgba. Currently, it's one of the few tools that support the wide gamut Display-P3 colors.


Coltrane is written in PHP and can be installed using Composer: composer global require kimitri/coltrane

After this the coltrane executable is installed in the Composer binary directory (typically ~/.composer/vendor/bin). Make sure that directory is included in your $PATH.


Coltrane is designed to be integrated into various automated workflows and therefore works great in a wide variety of use cases. By default Coltrane reads its input from stdin and outputs to stdout but you can use plain old files by specifying the --infile and --outfile (-i and -o) options.

Palette alignment

Coltrane also provides a handy palette alignment function and a bunch of built-in palettes. Palette is specified using the --palette (-p) option and palettes are simple text files consisting of regular hex colors (one color per line) without the preceding # character. This format is supported by the Lospec website (.HEX files). To use a custom palette, just give the --palette option the path to your palette file.

Coltrane comes with a bunch of retro themed palettes from the Lospec website. These built-in palettes can be listed by running coltrane palettes. To use a built-in palette, just give the --palette option the name of the built-in palette.

Alpha channel

Some color formats (in Coltrane's case these are display-p3a, hsla and rgba) support alpha channels and Coltrane provides a few ways to specify target alpha values. Alpha values range from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). Alpha can be set using the --alpha (-a) option and there are two different modes of operation:

  • Use a static alpha value (e.g. --alpha .8 to use alpha value of 0.80).
  • Map alpha to the R, G, B or alpha channel of the input color (e.g. --alpha r to use the relative red channel value as alpha). Please note that R, G and B channels are also used with hsla colors. (Alpha channel handling was changed in version 1.2.0 and the original alpha is now preserved by default.)

Usage examples

  1. Read a CSS file with colors defined as hexadecimal values and output the same CSS with colors transformed into wide gamut Display-P3: coltrane hex2display-p3 -i source.css -o wide-gamut.css
  2. Take a CSS string from the macOS clipboard, transform all colors defined as rgb() into wide gamut Display-P3 and store the resulting CSS back to clipboard: pbpaste | coltrane rgb2display-p3 | pbcopy
  3. Take a CSS string from the macOS clipboard, transform all colors defined as hexadecimal values into rgba() using the original alpha value of the input color, align them to the classic CGA palette and write the resulting CSS into a file: pbpaste | coltrane hex2rgba -a a -p cga1-hi -o cga-is-still-cool.css