
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Small PHP5 Framework

0.7.6 2015-04-10 03:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-21 20:04:49 UTC


Nemesis is a small PHP Framework that I've started to sustain when I realized I needed a lightweight, native, minimalistic and flexible tool to quickly develop MVC web app or REST api for testing and specific requests which require to work on a basic shared web hosting with few hardware resources.


The architecture is built on well known patterns (Model Controller or Model View Controller) with a basic bootstraper / class autoloader and some procedural functions, so, what PHP can do properly without any extra-dependencies.

Core components

The core is customizable according to the components needed and their dependencies


Loader : autoloader

Hook : trigger a hook, depends to Loader

Session : manage a secure session, depends to Loader


URL : get headers received, hash and output URLs, depends to Loader

Router : create routes, depends to Loader, URL

Api : manage a simple JSON Web Api with a class controller, depends to Loader, URL, Router

MVC : add all components to build a MVC app like a view builder, depends to Loader, Hook, URL, Routes

App : manage a web app built on a MVC pattern with a class controller, depends to Loader, Hook, URL, Routes, MVC

HTMLhelpers : helpers to build html forms, no dependencies

CSSmin : minify CSS, depends to Loader, Hook, MVC


String parser : strip_accents, strip_specialchars, beautify, minimize, excerpt, is_email, is_phone_fr, is_date, datetime, sanitize_output

File manager / Shorcuts : getperms, filename, extension, upload, download

CURL : url_get_contents

key : Key_Generator

Required PHP version and modules

  • PHP v5.3 or higher installed on your server or web hosting

  • htaccess (for Apache) and url_rewriting PHP modules



Nemesis-Framework is now on packagist, so it can be required as a dependency with Composer :

URL Rewriting Configuration

For Apache Servers the content of the .htaccess file located to the server root directory is :

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	#Symlinks maybe needed for URL rewriting
	Options +FollowSymLinks
	RewriteEngine On
	#if you want to exclude some directories from url rewriting
	#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(site2|site3/.*)$
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [QSA,L]

And for Lighttpd Servers the content of Lighttpd.conf :

$HTTP["host"]  =~ "www\.mydomain\.com"{
	server.document-root = "/PathToServerRoot/"
	accesslog.filename   = "/PathToLogs/access.log"
 	url.rewrite = (
		"^/(.+)/?$" => "/index.php/$1"

index.php instructions

Require bootstraper

require_once 'nemesis.php';

To log php errors

get_errors(); // to view errors.log :

To display php errors


If the core functions are required


If the autoloader is required


Router initialization

$loader = Loader::getInstance();

Example of a web app initialization

$blogApp = App::getInstance('blog', '1.0'); // the version is not required
echo $blogApp;

More examples

For more examples, check the others repositories prefixed with "nemesis-"



  • Add Api::RESTMethods()
  • Implements HTMLhelpers old plugin to class.HTMLhelpers.php core
  • Implements CSSmin old plugin to class.CSSmin.php core
  • Cleans App and MVC to implement NEMESIS_PROCESS_PATH


  • Move the bootstraper core/bootstrap.php to ./nemesis.php for more simplicity with Composer
  • Move core/errors.log to ./errors.log
  • Add ./ to write logs in the errors file when included
  • Add NEMESIS_PROCESS_PATH to ./nemesis.php and core/class.App.php
  • Change behaviour of App system, an app can now be in the root server directory
  • Deprecated App::setAsDefault() and App::$url
  • Deprecated class.Plugin.php
  • Defines composer.json


  • New function in functions.php : key_generator($length=8)
  • Removed hash/token generator and new secure ($_SESSION[$sessionName] = $expirationDate)
  • Add Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers in class.Api.php with Api::CORS()


  • New class : class.Api.php to manage a JSON Web Api
  • New class : class.Session.php to manage a secure session


  • Simplification, re-organization of classes dependencies
  • init.php replaced with bootstrap.php, it is now clean and
  • new way to instance plugins and apps independently from Loader Class
  • Routes configuration has now its own class with URL Class dependence
  • Loader class can initialize a class with a initClass method
  • errors.log changes its path to /core/errors.log
  • core_functions() and core_loader() appears in bootstrap to include the required libraries


  • Test on Lighttpd / Fixed url rewriting


  • Initial Release