kilylabs / google-shopping-feed
Google Shopping Feed API (with ns problem fixed)
2016-10-28 12:26 UTC
- php: >=5.3.0
- gregwar/cache: 1.0.*
{ "require": { "lukesnowden/google-shopping-feed": "dev-master" } }
use LukeSnowden\GoogleShoppingFeed\Containers\GoogleShopping; GoogleShopping::title('Test Feed'); GoogleShopping::link(''); GoogleShopping::description('Our Google Shopping Feed'); foreach( $products as $product ) { $item = GoogleShopping::createItem(); $item->id($id); $item->title($title); $item->price($price); $item->mpn($SKU); $item->sale_price($salePrice); $item->link($link); $item->image_link($imageLink); ... ... /** create a variant */ $variant = $item->variant(); $variant->size($variant::LARGE); $variant->color('Red'); /** * One thing to note, if creating variants, delete the initial object after you've done, * Google no longer needs it! * * $item->delete(); * */ } // boolean value indicates output to browser GoogleShopping::asRss(true);
###Category Taxonomies
returns a list of the categories. The list is updated daily from Googles Documentation
$googleCategories = GoogleShopping::categories();