kikter / laravel-paystack-subscription
A simple interface to Paystack's subscription billing services. It takes the pain of implementing subscription management off you.
- php: ^7.2|^8.0|^8.1
- digikraaft/paystack-php: ^1.0
- illuminate/contracts: ^7.15|^8.0|^9.0
- illuminate/database: ^7.15|^8.40|^9.0
- illuminate/http: ^7.15|^8.0|^9.0
- illuminate/notifications: ^7.15|^8.0|^9.0
- illuminate/routing: ^7.15|^8.0|^9.0
- illuminate/support: ^7.15|^8.0|^9.0
- illuminate/view: ^7.15|^8.0|^9.0
- nesbot/carbon: ^2.35
- symfony/http-kernel: ^6.1
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ^7.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
- vimeo/psalm: ^4.20
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-05 21:44:32 UTC
Laravel Paystack Subscription offers a simple, fluent interface to Paystack's subscription billing services. No need to worry about writing subscription billing code anymore!
You can install the package via composer:
composer require digikraaft/laravel-paystack-subscription
Configuration File
The Laravel Paystack Subscription package comes with a configuration file, here is the content of the file:
return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Paystack Keys |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The Paystack publishable key and secret key. You can get these from your Paystack dashboard. | */ 'public_key' => env('PAYSTACK_PUBLIC_KEY'), 'secret' => env('PAYSTACK_SECRET'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Subscription Model |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This is the model in your application that implements the Billable trait | provided by PaystackSubscription. It will serve as the primary model you use while | interacting with PaystackSubscription related methods, subscriptions, etc. | */ 'model' => env('SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL', App\User::class), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Table |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This is the table in your application where your users' information is stored. | */ 'user_table' => 'users', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Webhooks Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This is the base URI path where webhooks will be handled from. | | This should correspond to the webhooks URL set in your Paystack dashboard: | | | If your webhook URL is then you should simply enter paystack here. | | Remember to also add this as an exception in your VerifyCsrfToken middleware. | | See the demo application linked on github to help you get started. | */ 'webhook_path' => env('PAYSTACK_WEBHOOK_PATH', 'paystack'), ];
You can publish this config file with the following commands:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Digikraaft\PaystackSubscritpion\PaystackSubscritpionServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Database Migrations
You will need to publish the database migrations with these commands:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Digikraaft\PaystackSubscritpion\PaystackSubscritpionServiceProvider" --tag="migrations" php artisan migrate
The migrations will add several columns to your users table as well as create a new subscriptions table to hold all of your customer's subscriptions.
Billable Model
Before using the package, add the Billable trait to your model definition. This trait provides various methods to allow you to perform common billing tasks, such as creating subscriptions, renewing subscriptions and cancelling subscriptions:
use Digikraaft\PaystackSubscription\Billable; class User extends Authenticatable { use Billable; }
The package assumes that your Billable model will be the default App\User class that ships with Laravel. If you wish to change this you can specify a different model in your .env file or in the published config file of the package:
Please note that if you're using a model other than Laravel's supplied App\User model, you'll need to publish and alter the migrations provided to match your alternative model's table name.
You can also specify a different table name for your billable model. See the Configuration File section.
API Keys
Next, you should configure your Paystack keys in your .env file. You can get your Paystack API keys from the Paystack dashboard.
PAYSTACK_PUBLIC_KEY=your-paystack-public-key PAYSTACK_SECRET=your-paystack-secret
Retrieving Customers
You can retrieve a customer by their Paystack ID using the PaystackSubscription::findBillable
This will return an instance of the Billable model:
use Digikraaft\PaystackSubscription\PaystackSubscription;
$user = PaystackSubscription::findBillable($paystackId);
Creating Customers
If you need to create a Paystack customer without starting a subscription immediately,
you can do by using the createAsPaystackCustomer
$paystackCustomer = $user->createAsPaystackCustomer();
The code creates a customer in Paystack. You can then begin a subscription at a later date.
You can also use an optional $options
array to pass in any additional parameters that are supported by the Paystack API:
$paystackCustomer = $user->createAsPaystackCustomer($options);
If the billable entity is already a customer in Paystack, you can retrieve the customer
object using the asPaystackCustomer
$paystackCustomer = $user->asPaystackCustomer();
If you are not sure that the billable entity is already a Paystack customer, the
method can be used to the get the customer object. This method
will create a new customer in Paystack if one does not already exist:
$paystackCustomer = $user->createOrGetPaystackCustomer();
Updating Customers
If you need to update the Paystack customer with additional information, you can do this using
the updatePaystackCustomer
$paystackCustomer = $user->updatePaystackCustomer($options);
Creating Subscriptions
To create a subscription, first retrieve an instance of your billable model, which typically will be an instance of App\User. Once you have retrieved the model instance, you may use the newSubscription method to create the model's subscription:
$user = User::find(1);
$user->newSubscription('default', 'PLN_paystackplan_code')->create($transactionId);
The first argument passed to the newSubscription
method should be the name of the subscription.
If your application only offers a single subscription, you might call this default
or primary
The second argument is the specific plan the user is subscribing to.
This value should correspond to the plan's code in Paystack.
The create
method, which accepts a Paystack transaction ID,
will begin the subscription as well as update your database with the customer ID
and other relevant billing information.
You can check the implementation demo app to see how you can easily get this plan code and process payment to get
the $transactionID
from Paystack.
Authorization Code
When a customer is initially charged, Paystack creates an authorization code that can be used
later to bill the customer should the customer cancel.
If you would like to bill the customer at a later date, the authorization code can be passed as a second argument
to the create
$user->newSubscription('default', 'PLN_paystackplan_code')->create(null, $authorizationCode);
Additional Details
If you would like to specify additional customer information,
you may do so by passing them as the third argument to the create
$user->newSubscription('default', 'PLN_paystackplan_code')->create($transactionId, null, [
'email' => $email,
The additional fields specified must be supported by Paystack's API.
Checking Subscription Status
Once a user is subscribed to your application, you may easily check their
subscription status using a variety of convenient methods.
First, the subscribed
method returns true
if the user has an active subscription,
even if the subscription is cancelled and is due not to renew at the end of the billing period:
if ($user->subscribed('default')) {
The subscribed
method can also be used in a route middleware,
allowing you to filter access to routes and controllers based on the user's subscription status:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($request->user() && ! $request->user()->subscribed('default')) {
// This user is not a paying customer...
return redirect('billing');
return $next($request);
An example of this can be seen in the demo implementation of this package here
The subscribedToPlan
method may be used to determine if the user is subscribed
to a given plan based on a given Paystack plan code.
In this example, we will determine if the user's default
subscription is actively subscribed to the PLN_paystackplan_code
if ($user->subscribedToPlan('PLN_paystackplan_code', 'default')) {
By passing an array to the subscribedToPlan
you may determine if the user's default
is actively subscribed to the PLN_paystackplan_code
or the PLN_paystackplan_code2
if ($user->subscribedToPlan(['PLN_paystackplan_code', 'PLN_paystackplan_code2'], 'default')) {
The active
method may be used to determine if the user currently has an active subscription:
if ($user->subscription('default')->active()) {
The renews
method may be used to determine if the user's subscription will renew after the current billing period:
if ($user->subscription('default')->renews()) {
The daysLeft
method may be used to get the number of days left on the current billing period:
$daysLeft = $user->subscription('default')->daysLeft();
The endsAt
method may be used to get the date the current billing period will end:
$endDate = $user->subscription('default')->endsAt();
Cancelled Subscription Status
To determine if the user has cancelled their subscription, you may use the isCancelled
if ($user->subscription('default')->isCancelled()) {
To determine if the user's subscription is past due, you may use the pastDue
if ($user->subscription('default')->pastDue()) {
Subscription Scopes
The active
and cancelled
subscription states are also available as query scopes so that you may easily
query your database for subscriptions:
// Get all active subscriptions...
$subscriptions = Subscription::query()->active()->get();
// Get all of the cancelled subscriptions for a user...
$subscriptions = $user->subscriptions()->cancelled()->get();
Cancelling Subscriptions
To cancel a subscription, call the cancel
method on the user's subscription:
When a subscription is cancelled, the paystack_status
column in your database is set to complete
This is based on Paytstack's implementation, meaning the subscription will not renew at the end of the billing period.
The subscription continues to be active until the end of the current billing period.
Resuming Subscriptions
If a user has cancelled their subscription and you wish to resume it, use the enable
If the user cancels a subscription and then resumes that subscription before the subscription has fully expired, they will not be billed immediately. Instead, their subscription will be re-activated, and they will be billed on the original billing cycle.
Handling Paystack Webhooks
Paystack can notify your application about various events via webhooks. By default, a route that points to this package's webhook controller is configured through the service provider. This controller will handle all incoming webhook requests.
By default, this controller will automatically handle cancelling subscriptions, enabling subscriptions and failed invoices. This controller can be extended to handle any webhook event you like.
To ensure your application can handle Paystack webhooks, be sure to configure the webhook URL in the Paystack dashboard.
By default, this package's webhook controller listens to the /paystack/webhook
Webhooks & CSRF Protection
Since Paystack webhooks need to bypass Laravel's CSRF protection, be sure to list the URI as an exception in your
middleware or list the route outside of the web
middleware group:
protected $except = [
Defining Webhook Event Handlers
If you have additional webhook events you would like to handle,
extend the Webhook controller. Your method names should correspond to this package's
expected convention, specifically, methods should be prefixed with handle
the "camel case" name of the webhook you wish to handle.
For example, if you wish to handle the invoice.create
you should add a handleInvoiceCreate
method to the controller:
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Digikraaft\PaystackSubscription\Http\Controllers\WebhookController as PaystackWebhookController; class WebhookController extends PaystackWebhookController { /** * Handle invoice create. * * @param array $payload * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ public function handleInvoiceCreate($payload) { // Handle The Event } }
Next, define a route to your controller within your routes/web.php
This will overwrite the default shipped route:
Under the hood, wehbook handling is done using this package
You can find details about Paystack events here
Paystack API
If you would like to interact with the Paystack objects directly,
you may conveniently retrieve them using the asPaystack
$paystackSubscription = $subscription->asPaystackSubscription();
$paystackSubscription->quantity = 2;
For details on how to interact with the object, check our paystack-php
package here
When testing an application that uses this package, you are free to mock the actual HTTP requests to the Paystack API; however, this requires you to partially re-implement this package's own behavior. We therefore recommend allowing your tests to hit the actual Paystack API. While this is slower, it provides more confidence that your application is working as expected and any slow tests may be placed within their own PHPUnit testing group.
When testing, remember that this package itself already has a great test suite, so you should only focus on testing the subscription and payment flow of your own application and not every underlying behavior of this package.
To get started, add the testing version of your Paystack secret and other required entities to your phpunit.xml
<env name="PAYSTACK_SECRET" value="sk_test_your_secret_key"/>
<env name="PAYSTACK_CUSTOMER" value="CUS_<customercode1>" />
<env name="PAYSTACK_OTHER_CUSTOMER" value="CUS_<customercode2>" />
<env name="PAYSTACK_PLAN" value="PLN_<plan_code1>" />
<env name="PAYSTACK_OTHER_PLAN" value="PLN_<plan_code2>" />
<env name="PAYSTACK_TRANSACTION_ID" value="<valid_transaction_id_used_for_plan_code1>" />
<env name="PAYSTACK_TRANSACTION_ID_INVALID" value="<existing_paystack_transaction_id>" />
<env name="PAYSTACK_TRANSACTION_REF" value="valid_transaction_reference_used_for_plan_code1" />
<env name="PAYSTACK_TRANSACTION_REF_INVALID" value="<existing_paystack_transaction_id>" />
<env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="testing"/>
When testing, ensure the environment variables above are created in paystack and correspond to the description in the values.
Use the command below to run your tests:
composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.