
Composer package for logs

v1.0.0 2022-07-13 12:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 16:46:00 UTC



  • Object-oriented design (without static methods etc.)
  • Compatible with PHP 7.1 and later, including PHP 8.1
  • Support for the json format
  • Ability to write log into the file or print to console output

Why do you need it

The library helps PHP developers to log their application events at different levels. 6 levels have been implemented: errors, warnings, info, fatal, notice and debug.

Lognote has a nice object-oriented design and it is going to please you with its simplicity. Before testing a class that depends on that library component, it is easy to replace that dependency with a fake class.

A Simple Example


use kikimarik\lognote\format\JsonLogLineFormat;
use kikimarik\lognote\Log;
use kikimarik\lognote\MessageLogLine;
use kikimarik\lognote\target\FileLogTarget;

//Load Composer's autoloader
require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$log = new Log(new FileLogTarget(__DIR__ . "/example.log", true), new JsonLogLineFormat());
$log->receiveInfo(new MessageLogLine("Start script info"));
$log->receiveWarning(new MessageLogLine("I`m the warning example"));
$log->receiveInfo(new MessageLogLine("End script info"));
 * It will create file example.log in current dir with content like:
{"date":"2022-06-15 19:25:10","level":"info","message":"Start script info"}
{"date":"2022-06-15 19:25:10","level":"warning","message":"I`m the warning example"}
{"date":"2022-06-15 19:25:10","level":"info","message":"End script info"}


This software is distributed under the MIT license.


  • via composer composer require kikimarik/lognote


Lognote tests use the Codeception 4.2.0 framework. All unit tests must be passed.

For tests running you can run the command: ./vendor/bin/codecept run