
Translatable Eloquent's for Laravel 5

v0.0.11 2016-05-03 14:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-29 21:10:06 UTC


Made for Laravel 5 Total Downloads Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

This package will help you to easy create multilanguage support for your website. With this package you can configure your eloquent model attributes to return data depending of application locale. Works with new models and old (with already filled data) ones.


At first you need to install our package:

composer require "kiberzauras/laravel.translator"

Then open your eloquent model that you want to be translatable and add Translatable trait and protected property $translatable with array of all properties you want to be translatable, for example we use Product model:

 namespace App;
 use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
 use Kiberzauras\Translator\Eloquent\Traits\Translatable;
 class Product extends Model
     use Translatable; //Translatable trait
     protected $translatable = ['name', 'description']; //add all translatable attributes to this array

Also, you need to change these attributes in database from varchar (or whatever it is) to text or longText, because translated values is saved as json, which can be very long. Run artisan:

php artisan make:migration update_products_table

In generated migration file change column types:

public function up()
    Schema::table('products', function (Blueprint $table) {

Retrieving data

You can retrieve all data as always:

$product = Product::find(1);
echo $product->name; //returns translation for current locale
echo $product->name; //returns translation for russian locale

Sometimes You need to get other locales translation when current is set too, then You can use this:

echo $product->name->locale('ru');
echo $product->name->locale('en-Us');

Note, that if selected locale doesn't have a translation, it will show fallback locale, if this is not translated too it will find first possible translation or will leave it blank. In some cases you must get selected language translation without using fallbacks (product name editing in some admin panel) then you can force to check only selected language translation, if translation doesnt exist it will return empty string:

echo $product->name->locale('ru', true);

Sometimes you may wish to pass variable to translation, you can retrieve them like this:

//eg. translation is Hello :name!
echo $product->name->args(['name'=>'Jonh']); // Hello Jonh!
//eg. translation is :name labas!
echo $product->name->args(['name'=>'Jonh'])->locale('lt'); //Jonh labas!

If You had filled translatable model columns before using Translatable trait, all strings in it will be set as translations for fallback_locale in Your config/app.php file.

Saving and updating


Save translation for current locale:

    'name'  =>  'Hello',
    'description' => 'Some description'
$product = new Product();
$product->name = 'Hello';
$product->description = 'Some description';

Save array of translations:

$translations = array(
    'name'  =>  $translations,

You can also pass a json string if needed:

$translations = json_encode(array(
    'name'  =>  $translations,

Updating translations

Translations updating is working the same way as creating, if you want to update current locale translation you can just pass string to attribute:

$product = Product::find(1);
    'name'  =>  'New translation'
$product->name = 'New translation';

If you pass array or json, translatable will update only this locales which will be in this array

Known issues

  • Does'nt work if translatable attribute also has mutatator applied.


The Laravel Translator is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license