keneasson / php-sparkpost
Client library for interfacing with the SparkPost API with IP Pools.
- php: >=5.5.0
- egeloen/http-adapter: *
Requires (Dev)
- fabpot/php-cs-fixer: ^1.11
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: 6.*
- mockery/mockery: ^0.9.4
- phpunit/phpunit: 4.3.*
- satooshi/php-coveralls: dev-master
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SparkPost PHP Library
The official PHP library for using the SparkPost REST API.
Note: We understand that the ivory-http-adapter we use in this library is deprecated in favor of httplug. We use Ivory internally to make it simple for you to use whatever HTTP library you want. The deprecation won't affect or limit our ongoing support of this PHP library.
Before using this library, you must have a valid API Key. To get an API Key, please log in to your SparkPost account and generate one in the Settings page.
The recommended way to install the SparkPost PHP Library is through composer.
# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
Next, run the Composer command to install the SparkPost PHP Library:
composer require sparkpost/php-sparkpost
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use SparkPost\SparkPost;
Setting up a Request Adapter
Because of dependency collision, we have opted to use a request adapter rather than requiring a request library. This means that your application will need to pass in a request adapter to the constructor of the SparkPost Library. We use the [Ivory HTTP Adapter] ( in SparkPost. Please visit their repo for a list of supported adapters. If you don't currently use a request library, you will need to require one and create an adapter from it and pass it along. The example below uses the GuzzleHttp Client Library.
An Adapter can be setup like so:
use SparkPost\SparkPost; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use Ivory\HttpAdapter\Guzzle6HttpAdapter; $httpAdapter = new Guzzle6HttpAdapter(new Client()); $sparky = new SparkPost($httpAdapter, ['key'=>'YOUR API KEY']);
Getting Started: Your First Mailing
For this example to work as is, Guzzle 6 will need to be installed. Otherwise another adapter can be used for your specific setup. See "Setting up a Request Adapter" above.
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use SparkPost\SparkPost; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use Ivory\HttpAdapter\Guzzle6HttpAdapter; $httpAdapter = new Guzzle6HttpAdapter(new Client()); $sparky = new SparkPost($httpAdapter, ['key'=>'YOUR API KEY']); try { // Build your email and send it! $results = $sparky->transmission->send([ 'from'=>[ 'name' => 'From Envelope', 'email' => '>' ], 'html'=>'<html><body><h1>Congratulations, {{name}}!</h1><p>You just sent your very first mailing!</p></body></html>', 'text'=>'Congratulations, {{name}}!! You just sent your very first mailing!', 'substitutionData'=>['name'=>'YOUR FIRST NAME'], 'subject'=>'First Mailing From PHP', 'recipients'=>[ [ 'address'=>[ 'name'=>'YOUR FULL NAME', 'email'=>'YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS' ] ] ] ]); echo 'Woohoo! You just sent your first mailing!'; } catch (\Exception $err) { echo 'Whoops! Something went wrong'; var_dump($err); }
Learn More
- For more detailed examples, check our examples:
- Read our REST API documentation -
Field Descriptions
** - If using inline content then html or text are required. If using RFC-822 Inline Content, then rfc822 is required. If using a stored recipient list, then recipientList is required. If using a stored template, then template is required but from is not as the values from the template will be used.
Tips and Tricks
- You must provide at least an API key when instantiating the SparkPost Library -
[ 'key'=>'184ac5480cfdd2bb2859e4476d2e5b1d2bad079bf' ]
- The library's features are namespaced under the various SparkPost API names.
- If you specify a stored recipient list and inline recipients in a Transmission, you will receive an error.
- If you specify HTML and/or Plain Text content and then provide RFC-822 encoded content, you will receive an error.
- RFC-822 content is not valid with any other content type.
- If you specify a stored template and also provide inline content via
, you will receive an error. - By default, open and click tracking are enabled for a transmission.
- By default, a transmission will use the published version of a stored template.
See contributing.