
Eases using and generating slugs Laravel Eloquent models.

v2.2.0 2024-11-11 18:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 19:07:19 UTC


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Eases using and generating slugs Laravel Eloquent models.


Add the package to the require section of your composer.json and run composer update

"kduma/eloquent-sluggable": "^1.1"

Prepare models

Inside your model (not on top of file) add following lines:

use \KDuma\Eloquent\Slugabble;

Optionally you can add also SluggableString function which will return string from which slug will be made (default it uses title field):

protected function SluggableString(){
    return $this->year.' '.$this->title;

In database create slug string field. If you use migrations, you can use following snippet:



By default it generates slug on first save.

  • $model->newSlug() - Generate new slug. (Remember to save it by yourself)
  • Model::whereSlug($slug)->first() - Find by slug. (whereSlug is query scope)

Eric L. Barnes

A special thanks to Eric L. Barnes, an original code creator that this package is based on.


View this package on Packagist.org: kduma/eloquent-sluggable