kdrmklabs / ticket-bundle
This bundle provides a customer support system by integrating a ticketing functionality for Symfony2 applications.
Installs: 49
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 1
Watchers: 2
Forks: 2
Open Issues: 1
- php: >=5.3.2
- gedmo/doctrine-extensions: ~2.3.1
- symfony/framework-bundle: ~2.1
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-01 21:09:09 UTC
This bundle allows you to integrate in your Symfony2 project a basic system of customer support by tickets. You can create, edit and respond tickets instantly after installing this bundle .
Needs a minimum configuration and the whole procedure is very simple.
I. Installing the bundle in two different ways.
a) Automatically.
You can install the last version of this bundle with composer running the command from your command line:
$ composer require kdrmklabs/ticket-bundle
b) By composer.json .
Or you can install this bundle by adding next code line to your project in the composer.json file and after update it with the command composer update
file: /composer.json
{ "require": { "kdrmklabs/ticket-bundle": "dev-master", } }
Now, update the bundle with composer:
$ composer update kdrmklabs/ticket-bundle
II. Enable and register the Bundle in the AppKernel
// file: app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\KdrmklabsTicketBundle(), // ... // Your application bundles ); }
III. Install Gedmon Doctrine2 extensions
Check if gedmo doctrine extensions are downloaded.
if not download it:
a. Add dependency to composer.json
file: /composer.json
{ "require": { .... "gedmo/doctrine-extensions": "dev-master" } }
b. Update with composer in the command line:
$ php composer.phar update gedmo/doctrine-extensions
Configure Gedmo:
III.I. Create a DoctrineExtensionListener
// file: src/AppBundle/Listener/DoctrineExtensionListener.php namespace AppBundle\Listener; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; class DoctrineExtensionListener implements ContainerAwareInterface { /** * @var ContainerInterface */ protected $container; public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null) { $this->container = $container; } public function onLateKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) { $translatable = $this->container->get('gedmo.listener.translatable'); $translatable->setTranslatableLocale($event->getRequest()->getLocale()); } public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) { $securityContext = $this->container->get('security.context', ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE); if (null !== $securityContext && null !== $securityContext->getToken() && $securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { $loggable = $this->container->get('gedmo.listener.loggable'); $loggable->setUsername($securityContext->getToken()->getUsername()); } } }
III.II. Create file doctrine_extensions.yml
and locate it in your app/config
# file: app/config/doctrine_extensions.yml doctrine: orm: auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug% auto_mapping: true # only these lines are added additionally mappings: translatable: type: annotation alias: Gedmo prefix: Gedmo\Translatable\Entity # make sure vendor library location is correct dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions/lib/Gedmo/Translatable/Entity" # services to handle doctrine extensions # import it in config.yml services: # KernelRequest listener extension.listener: # change this to your DoctrineExtensionListener namespace class: AppBundle\Listener\DoctrineExtensionListener calls: - [ setContainer, [ @service_container ] ] tags: # translatable sets locale after router processing - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: onLateKernelRequest, priority: -10 } # loggable hooks user username if one is in security context - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: onKernelRequest } # Doctrine Extension listeners to handle behaviors gedmo.listener.tree: class: Gedmo\Tree\TreeListener tags: - { name: doctrine.event_subscriber, connection: default } calls: - [ setAnnotationReader, [ @annotation_reader ] ] gedmo.listener.translatable: class: Gedmo\Translatable\TranslatableListener tags: - { name: doctrine.event_subscriber, connection: default } calls: - [ setAnnotationReader, [ @annotation_reader ] ] - [ setDefaultLocale, [ %locale% ] ] - [ setTranslatableLocale, [ %locale% ]] - [ setTranslationFallback, [ false ] ] gedmo.listener.timestampable: class: Gedmo\Timestampable\TimestampableListener tags: - { name: doctrine.event_subscriber, connection: default } calls: - [ setAnnotationReader, [ @annotation_reader ] ] gedmo.listener.sluggable: class: Gedmo\Sluggable\SluggableListener tags: - { name: doctrine.event_subscriber, connection: default } calls: - [ setAnnotationReader, [ @annotation_reader ] ] gedmo.listener.sortable: class: Gedmo\Sortable\SortableListener tags: - { name: doctrine.event_subscriber, connection: default } calls: - [ setAnnotationReader, [ @annotation_reader ] ] gedmo.listener.loggable: class: Gedmo\Loggable\LoggableListener tags: - { name: doctrine.event_subscriber, connection: default } calls: - [ setAnnotationReader, [ @annotation_reader ] ]
Don't forget change 'AppBundle\Listener\DoctrineExtensionListener' to your DoctrineExtensionListener namespace.
Finally, Do not forget to import doctrine_extensions.yml in your app/config/config.yml :
# file: app/config/config.yml imports: - { resource: parameters.yml } - { resource: security.yml } - { resource: doctrine_extensions.yml }
More details of Gedmo Doctrine2 extensions in Symfony2: https://github.com/Atlantic18/DoctrineExtensions/blob/master/doc/symfony2.md
IV. (optional) If you want paginate results with KNPPaginatorBundle you can install and configure it.
More details: https://github.com/KnpLabs/KnpPaginatorBundle#configuration-example
V. Configure the bundle.
V.I. Add kdrmklabs_ticket
configuration to you config.yml
# file: app/config/config.yml kdrmklabs_ticket: user_class: AppBundle\Entity\User user_primay_key: id
Where user_primay_key
is the name of your primary key in the user table.
V.II. Add resolve_target_entities
to your doctrine configuration
# file: app/config/config.yml # Doctrine Configuration doctrine: orm: auto_mapping: true resolve_target_entities: Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Model\UserInterface: AppBundle\Entity\User
Do not forget change 'AppBundle\Entity\User' to your User Entity namespace
More details about resolve_target_entities: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/doctrine/resolve_target_entity.html
V.III. Implements Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Model\UserInterface
from your User entity.
// file: namespace AppBundle\Entity; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * User * * @ORM\Table(name="user") * @ORM\Entity */ class User implements \Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Model\UserInterface { public function getId(){ } }
VII. Finally, create database tables and update the schema
Update your database schema with the command:
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Now, you need to populete the database tables
Example of SQL to populete the tables:
INSERT INTO `kdrmklabs_ticket_category` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES ('1', 'Billing', '1'); INSERT INTO `kdrmklabs_ticket_category` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES ('2', 'Cancellations and refunds', '1'); INSERT INTO `kdrmklabs_ticket_category` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES ('3', 'Report a scam or offer false', '1'); INSERT INTO `kdrmklabs_ticket_category` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES ('4', 'Report inappropriate or illegal content', '1'); INSERT INTO `kdrmklabs_ticket_category` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES ('5', 'Security Center and user protection', '1'); INSERT INTO `kdrmklabs_ticket_status` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES ('1', 'Pending', '1'); INSERT INTO `kdrmklabs_ticket_status` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES ('2', 'Invalid', '1'); INSERT INTO `kdrmklabs_ticket_status` (`id`, `name`, `active`) VALUES ('3', 'Solved', '1');
You can add to the database table kdrmklabs_ticket_status
all states that you want to use to identify the tickets, for example:
You can add to the database table kdrmklabs_ticket_category
all categories that you want to use to classify the tickets, for example:
Available services
Examples of implementation of kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service from a controller
Create a ticket
/** * @Route("/create") */ public function createAction() { $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $ticket = $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->createTicket("message", "subject", 1, 1, 1); return $this->redirectToRoute('kdrmklabs_ticket_show', array('id' => $ticket->getId())); }
createTicket -> Return a Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\Ticket
createTicket( string $initial_message, string $subject, int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Model\UserInterface|AppBundle\Entity\User $user, int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\TicketCategory $category, int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\TicketStatus $status [, int $dateAdded])
/** * @Route("/delete/{id}") */ public function deleteAction($id) { $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->deleteTicket($id); return $this->redirectToRoute('kdrmklabs_ticket_index'); }
deleteTicket -> Return boolean
deleteTicket( int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\Ticket $ticket)
/** * @Route("/reply/{id}") */ public function replyAction($id) { $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $ticket = $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->replyTicket($id, 1, "reply"); return $this->redirectToRoute('kdrmklabs_ticket_show', array('id' => $ticket->getId())); }
replyTicket -> Return a Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\Ticket
replyTicket( int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\Ticket $ticket, int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Model\UserInterface|AppBundle\Entity\User $user, string $message [, int $dateAdded])
get a ticket
/** * @Route("/show/{id}", name="kdrmklabs_ticket_show") * @Template() */ public function showAction($id) { $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $ticket = $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->getTicket($id); return array('ticket' => $ticket); }
getTicket -> Return a Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\Ticket
getTicket( int|string $id_ticket )
list tickets
/** * @Route("/", name="kdrmklabs_ticket_index") * @Template() */ public function indexAction(Request $request) { $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $query = $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->getTickets(); // get all tickets $paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator'); $pagination = $paginator->paginate( $query->getQuery(), $request->query->get('page', 1), 10 ); return array('pagination' => $pagination); }
getTickets -> return DQL QUERY
getTickets( [ int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Model\UserInterface|AppBundle\Entity\User $author, int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\TicketCategory $category, int|Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Entity\TicketStatus $status int $from_datetime, int $to_datetime, boolean $closed ] )
close ticket
/** * @Route("/close/{id}") */ public function closeAction($id){ $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->closeTicket($id); return $this->redirectToRoute('kdrmklabs_ticket_index'); }
closeTicket -> Return boolean
closeTicket( id|string $id_ticket )
User repository from UserInterface
// access to UserInterface from controller $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.user_repository')->find($id_user);
Example complete of Controller implementation
namespace Kdrmklabs\Bundle\TicketBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route; use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; class DefaultController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/", name="kdrmklabs_ticket_index") * @Template() */ public function indexAction(Request $request) { $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $query = $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->getTickets(); $paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator'); $pagination = $paginator->paginate( $query->getQuery(), $request->query->get('page', 1), 10 ); return array('pagination' => $pagination); } /** * @Route("/create") */ public function createAction() { $id_user = 1; $id_category = 1; $id_status = 1; $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $ticket = $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->createTicket("message", "subject", $id_user, $id_category, $id_status); return $this->redirectToRoute('kdrmklabs_ticket_show', array('id' => $ticket->getId())); } /** * @Route("/show/{id}", name="kdrmklabs_ticket_show") * @Template() */ public function showAction($id) { $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $ticket = $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->getTicket($id); return array('ticket' => $ticket); } /** * @Route("/reply/{id}") */ public function replyAction($id) { $id_user = 1; $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $ticket = $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->replyTicket($id, $id_user, "reply"); return $this->redirectToRoute('kdrmklabs_ticket_show', array('id' => $ticket->getId())); } /** * @Route("/delete/{id}") */ public function deleteAction($id) { $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->deleteTicket($id); return $this->redirectToRoute('kdrmklabs_ticket_index'); } /** * @Route("/close/{id}") */ public function closeAction($id){ $kdrmklabs_ticket_service = $this->get('kdrmklabs_ticket.ticket_service'); $kdrmklabs_ticket_service->closeTicket($id); return $this->redirectToRoute('kdrmklabs_ticket_index'); } }