Network topology mapper with Laravel 5.

v1.2 2017-11-14 10:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-12 08:49:00 UTC


Network topology mapper with Laravel 5. This package runs an Nmap scan on input hosts and networks, parses and populates the database with extracted values. First you must add service provider into your app.php config file.

'providers' => [

Then you must publish config files. This will copy ntm.php config file inside your config directory.

$ php artisan vendor:publish

Before doing the migrations, you can customize your table names inside ntm.php file in your config directory. With no config file and by default all tables are prefixed with mapper_. After that do the database migration.

$ php artisan migrate

Now you can run a scan like so:

use Ntcm\Ntm\Ntm;

$targets = '';

   ->setTimeout(60) // in seconds...

This will scan the host inside a 1.xml file and store the parsed information into the database with scan_id = 1. You can also input an array of targets like so:

$targets = ['', ''];


Besides you can enable / disable different scan attributes. These are the default values for the attributes.

$targets = ['', ''];


Scan Command

You can run a scan using ScanCommand class like so:

$targets = ['', ''];

// call scan artisan command...
Artisan::call('scan', [
  'targets'     => $targets,
  '--os'        => true, // to enable operating system scan...
  '--ports'     => true, // to enable well-known TCP ports...
  '--scheduled' => '0 1,13 * * * *' // you can use this to schedule the scan...

Scheduled Scan

You can schedule your scans by adding this code to schedule method of your App\Console\Kernel class:

     * Define the application's command schedule.
     * @param Schedule $schedule
     * @return void
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
        foreach(Target::scheduled()->get() as $target) {
                ->command('scan', [
                    'ranges'  => $target->range,
                    '--os'    => $target->ports,
                    '--ports' => $target->os,