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Laravel package for handling townships in myanmar

dev-master 2020-01-06 10:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-06 21:10:00 UTC


A laravel package to handle backend for searching myanmar townships data. The package use Myanmar-tools and Rabbit converter php version to convert unicode to zawgyi.

Basic Uasage

You can easily search township or district or state by unicode by using the MyanmarTownship Facade.



    composer require kaungmyat/myanmar-townships

If you want to support zawgyi search, you need to install Myanmar-tools and Rabbit converter php version as well.

After installation, prepare database.

    php artisan migrate
    php artisan db:seed --class='MyanmarTownships\Seeders\TownshipSeeder'



MyanmarTownship Facade is the entry point for searching and provides three methods:

  • searchTownships
  • searchDistricts
  • searchStates

Parameter for these methods can be either a string or options array.

Key options Default Value
q String to search
sort id, name_mm, name_en name_mm
order asc, desc asc
limit integer 10
resource_result true, false false


By default, the library support only for unicode searching, if you want to customize this behaviour, publish the config file and change the value accordingly.

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=myanmar-townships
Key Feature Default Value
search_by_unicode enable or disable searching by unicode true
search_by_zawgyi enable or disable searching by zawgyi false
search_by_english enable or disable searching by zawgyi false
resource_result return response should be model or json false
font_converter Font converter path MyanmarTownships\App\Helpers\Contracts\FontConverter

Supporting Zawgyi font

This library use Myanmar-tools and Rabbit converter php version to convert unicode to zawgyi. If you want to support zawgyi font, you need to install those packages too. In case if you have already implemented font logic, you can skip that packages. Instead, you now need to implement FontHelper interface and provide full namespace in the config.

Json response

If you want to obtain json obj instead of model, you can provide 'resource_result' set to true either at run time or at the config file.

Model relation

For any model that needs to have a township, you can use HaveTownship Trait in the model.