
This extension provides a region reference module

1.0.1 2016-10-27 19:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:31:43 UTC


This extension provide a region reference module(backend & frontend) with feature: backend:

  • Customizable regions structure(country-region-city...)
  • Mass region creation
  • Import/export whole country structure
  • Two backend module theme: default yii2 & AdminLTE
  • Auto generate region structure example data(while install migration), optional

frontend & backend:

  • Ajax controller for search regions. Applicable for Select2 field for select region.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist karakum/yii2-region-reference "*"

or add

"karakum/yii2-region-reference": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


In application config add:

    'modules' => [
        'regions' => [
            'class' => 'karakum\region\BackendModule',
    'components' => [
        'regionManager' => [
            'class' => 'karakum\region\RegionManager',

For frontend application you can use karakum\region\FrontendModule, it provide only ajax controller with unauthorized access. karakum\region\BackendModule already include ajax controller.

Default country. If you want to use only one country in your application, you can set country property in region manager(default is false) with country code. For example, if you set RU then it will change some behavior of manager's functions: function getRegionFullname will omit country name in output and ajax output will contain only regions in selected country and country record excluded.


Before applying migration you can set exampleData property to true(by default it is false) for regionManager component for generate some example data. If you do that then migration will create:

  • region types. Default: COUNTRY, REGION, CITY. It depends on region manager property defaultTypes.
  • region levels. Default: Country, Region in Country, City in Region in Country, City in Country. It depends on region manager property defaultLevels.

Migration will create tables with default names {{%region}}, {{%region_level}}, {{%region_type}}. To change it use properties regionTypeTable, regionLevelTable, regionTable of region manager component.

To apply migration you can add @karakum/region/migrations to migrations lookup list(if you use extension like cyberz/yii2-multipath-migrations) or run:

$ yii migrate --migrationPath=@karakum/region/migrations

Theme select

Backend module provided with two predefined themes. By default it use standard Yii2 theme. If you prefer AdminLTE template and use extension dmstr/yii2-adminlte-asset, you can use predefined AdminLTE theme:

    'components' => [
        'view' => [
            'theme' => [
                'pathMap' => [
                    '@karakum/region/views' => '@karakum/region/themes/adminlte/views',

Both themes use module predefined layouts. To use your own layout just set layout to null in module config:

    'modules' => [
        'regions' => [
            'class' => 'karakum\region\BackendModule',
            'layout' => null,


Example of usage kartik-v Select2 for autocomplete selecting region

	<?= $form->field($model, 'region_id')->widget(\kartik\select2\Select2::className(), [
		'data' => $model->region ? [$model->region_id => $model->region->name] : [],
		'options' => ['placeholder' => 'Select region ...'],
		'pluginOptions' => [
			'allowClear' => false,
			'ajax' => [
				'url' => Url::to(['/regions/ajax']),
				'dataType' => 'json',
				'quietMillis' => 100,
				'data' => new JsExpression('function (term, page) {
					return {
						page_limit: 10,
						RegionSearch: { search: term.term, status: ' . \karakum\region\models\Region\Region::STATUS_ACTIVE . ' },
				'results' => new JsExpression('function (data, page) {
					return { results: data.results };
	]) ?>