
Boilerplate for the Plasticode framework

0.2.0 2019-07-17 09:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 07:23:03 UTC


Basic site built on Plasticode.


  1. Prerequisites: PHP 7.2+, DB (e.g. MySQL).

  2. Load the source code.

  3. Create a new MySQL database with utf8_general_ci encoding.

  4. Create .env file from .env.example.

Fill in the database settings (host, db name, user, password).

Note: DB user's password shouldn't be empty (that's a known issue).

Customize the path. For example, if the site's path on the local server will be /boilerplate, you should set:

  • ROOT_PATH="/boilerplate"
  • PLASTICODE_PUBLIC_PATH="/boilerplate/vendor/kapxapot/plasticode/public/"
  • SITE_PUBLIC_PATH="/boilerplate/public/"
  1. Add redirect to your web server.

In case of Apache you should add to .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^boilerplate boilerplate/public/ [L,QSA,NC]
  1. Run composer install in the project's root folder.

This will install and update all required PHP libraries (Plasticode first of all).

  1. Run vendor/bin/phinx migrate in the project's root folder.

This will create the tables in the DB and create a default admin user with login "admin" and password "admin" (you can change the password in the Admin UI (/admin) after the installation is finished).

  1. Open the browser and navigate to your site (http://localhost/boilerplate in case of Apache).