kamilz / b2backblaze
PHP5 library that provides an API for B2 Cloud Storage
- php: >=5.3.2
- kriswallsmith/buzz: >= 0.15
- ext-curl: *
- kamilz/b2backblaze-bundle: to use with Symfony2
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 21:16:57 UTC
B2Backblaze is a PHP5 library that provides a B2 API Client.
This project is under development, your contributions are greatly appreciated.
B2 Cloud Storage?
B2 Cloud Storage is a cloud service for storing files in the cloud. Files are available for download at any time, either through the API or through a browser-compatible URL.
Using the B2 Cloud Storage API, you can:
Manage the configuration of your account
Create and manage the buckets that hold files
Upload, download, and delete files
php composer.phar require kamilZ/b2backblaze:0.1.*
Try it!
You can use B2API.php class if you only need the API integration. Otherwise use B2Service.php. B2Service is a custom integration, oriented to file names, which is the information we normally keep in the database.
<?php use B2Backblaze\B2Service; $client = new B2Service($account_id, $application_key); //Authenticate with server. Anyway, all methods will ensure the authorization. $client->authorize() // Returns true if bucket exists $client->isBucketExist($bucketId) //Returns the bucket information array. $client->getBucketById($bucketId) //Returns the file content and file metadata. Set $metadataOnly to true if you only need metadata information. $client->get($bucketName, $fileName, $private = false, $metadataOnly = false) //Return ziped foled of list files by name. $client->getAllZip($bucketName, array $filesName, $zipFileName, $private = false) //Inserts file and returns array of file metadata. $client->insert($bucketId, $file, $fileName) //Insert large file $client->insertLarge($bucketId, $filePath, $fileName) //Delete last file version $client->delete($bucketName, $fileName, $private = false) //Rename file in bucket $client->rename($bucketName, null, $fileName, $targetBucketId, $newFileName, $private = false) //Returns the list of files in bucket. $client->all($bucketId) //Check if the file exists (Internally: We are making a HEAD request, not downloading the file only the response headers, so is less expensive than the query with "existInList". Transactions Class B) $client->exists($bucketName, $fileName) //Check if the file exists in a bucket (Internally: Transactions Class C) $client->existsInList($bucketId, $fileName)
Bundle for easy usage with symfony2: https://github.com/kamilZ/B2BackblazeBundle
Gaufrette filesystem abstraction library fork: https://github.com/kamilZ/Gaufrette
Provides a Gaufrette integration for your Symfony projects: https://github.com/kamilZ/KnpGaufretteBundle