
dev-master 2018-03-04 13:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 17:08:12 UTC


PHP SDK for flockOS. This Library is in development stage.


To resolve those dependencies you can do it in two ways.

  1. Register your Flock Facade by adding in config app.php file
'Flock' => Qafeen\Flock\Flock::class,

If you are on laravel 5.4 then you can do it easily by using and laravel will take care to resolve.

use Facades\Qafeen\Flock\Flock

Few are the APIs available for now

  1. To decrept jwt token you can do it easily by
$response = Flock::decodePayload();
  1. To Log an event in database

And few more API is comming soon...