
Concrete5 package adds new file storage locations on AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage

1.0 2019-09-06 12:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 01:26:51 UTC



  1. Add the following line to line to the 'require' section of the concrete5 composer.json.

    "kaapiii/concrete5_storage_locations": "^1.0"

    and run ...

    composer install

    or run the following command from the installation {root} folder

    composer require kaapiii/concrete5_storage_locations
  2. Install the package

  3. Navigate to System & Settings -> File Storage Locations and add a new storage location.

Cloud Storage preparations

Google Cloud Storage

Make the following steps either in the web console or copy and paste the commands below to your cloud shell.

Create a bucket

Go to your project on gcp and create a public bucket with enabled ACL.



gsutil mb -p my-gcp-project -c regional -l europe-west3 -b on gs://my-public-c5-bucket

Make the bucket public

Make all objects in a bucket publicly readable.

gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://[BUCKET_NAME]

Create a service account

Create a service account through the web console with the following minimal IAM role:

(Role title / [role key])

  • Storage Object Admin / [roles/storage.objectAdmin]

Create a key in the json format and download the key file.