
Quickly build admins for your existing Laravel application using real database tables

1.4.28 2021-12-10 19:39 UTC


Install via Composer:

composer require jzpeepz/dynamo

Include the service provider in your config/app.php:


Publish the Dynamo config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=dynamo

NOTE: If using a local disk for uploading, be sure to symlink it to your public directory and provide the proper path in the config file.


storage_disk Storage disk to use to store uploaded files. Default: 'local'

upload_path Path within the storage disk to store the uploaded files. This is also the directory within the public directory to which the storage directory is linked. Default: '/uploads/'

route_prefix Prefix to add to all Dynamo routes. Default: '' (empty string)

layout Layout to use with Dynamo views. Default: 'layouts.app'

controller_namespace Namespace for generated controllers. Default: 'App\Http\Controllers'

controller_path Path for storing generated controllers. Default: app_path('/Http/Controllers')

view_prefix Prefix for overridden views. Default: 'dynamo'

view_theme Theme used for views. Default: 'bootstrap4'

target_blade_section The blade section in templates where views are rendered. Default: 'content'

default_has_many_class CSS class used by default on hasMany field types. Default: ''

model_uses This value contains an array of the classes that should be imported into the generated model class. Default: []

model_implements This value contains an array of the interfaces that should be implemented by the generated model class. Default: []

model_traits This value contains an array of the traits that should be used by the generated model class. Default: []


Generating your first admin

The following command will create a controller, model, migration, and route for your admin:

php artisan make:dynamo Employee

Need to opt out of some of the Dynamo magic?

php artisan make:dynamo Employee --migration=no --model=no --controller=no --route=no

Customizing the admin

Admin customization happens in your controller inside the getDynamo() function. This function returns a Dynamo instance which has lots of chainable methods that customize your Dynamo admin. Below are methods you can chain.

Customizing the index

By default, Dynamo will add all fields from the database table to the index. Removing the call to auto() in the getDynamo() method in the generated controller, will stop all fields from getting added to the index AND the form.

Adding index columns

addIndex($key, $label = null, $formatCallable = null)

This method allows you to add or update an index column.


$key This is the column name in your database table if you are hoping to populate it with table data. Otherwise, it could be any unique name.

$label (optional) This is pretty name you want folks to see.

$formatCallable (optional) This is a closure that allows you to completely customize how the index column renders. This closure will receive one parameter of the Eloquent instance for that row. The closure should return what you would like to render in the index column.

Removing index columns


This method allow you to remove a column from the index.


$key This is the key used to create the index. It is typical the column name in the database table.

Removing all index columns


This method removes all index columns. This can be used to clear indexes create by auto() while leaving the form fields in place.

Sorting index rows

indexOrderBy($column, $sort = 'asc')

This method allows you to order the rows returned from the database.

Paginate the index rows


This method allows you to set the number of rows to display on each page of the index.

Create tabs on the index

Add search to the index

Add filters to the index

Hide the delete button on each row

Hide the add button

Add buttons to the index

Add action buttons to the index

Customizing the form

Add a form field

Remove a form field

Creating form groups

return Dynamo::make(\App\Employee::class)

Creating form tabs

Add a custom handler for a field

Extending Dynamo

Creating custom fields

Creating handlers to custom fields

Advanced Dynamo

Creating many to many relationships between dynamo models

Step 1: Generate the two models you will be using.

php artisan make:dynamo Faq
php artisan make:dynamo Category

Step 2: Complete the needed migrations.

Example Faq migration:

Schema::create('faqs', function (Blueprint $table) {
	$table->string('question', 255);

Example Category migration:

Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

Example pivot table migration:

Schema::create('category_faq', function(Blueprint $table)


Run php artisan migrate.

Step 3: Add the proper belongsToMany Eloquent function to each model.

For the Category model:

public function faqs()
	return $this->belongsToMany('App\Faq');

For the Faq Model:

public function categories()
	return $this->belongsToMany('App\Category');

Step 4: Chain the hasMany() method onto your Dynamo instance in both controllers. Make sure your key is the name of the Eloquent function from you model.

return Dynamo::make(\App\Employee::class)
			->hasMany('categories', ['options' => [$categories]]);

Check out our more detailed Documentation



Dynamo is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.