
SEO tools to insert meta data in laravel projects

2.4 2020-08-03 17:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 03:57:27 UTC


Laravel SEO


Install package

composer require jwohlfert23/laravel-seo

You can publish the config to change default setting like the base of your title, twitter handle, etc.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Jwohlfert23\LaravelSeo\ServiceProvider"

Add Jwohlfert23\LaravelSeo\SeoTrait to your base controller. This will allow you to easily change the page title and other meta information directly from your controller like so...

public function index() 
    $this->seo()->setTitle('Home')->setDescription('This is out home page');
    return view('home');

Insert app('seo')->render() into the head of your layout like so...

{!! app('seo')->render() !!}