
1.0 2016-04-25 03:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 19:45:27 UTC


FOSSA Status

Twig Adapter for Yaf PHP Framework with namespace enabled.


You can install via Composer.

At first create composer.json file:

	"require": {

Run composer to install.

$ composer install

Finally, include vendor/autoload.php at index.php

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

Add to Bootstrap.php:


use \Yaf\Bootstrap_Abstract;
use \Yaf\Dispatcher;
use \Yaf\Application;
use \JustMd5\TwigAdapter;

class Bootstrap extends Bootstrap_Abstract

	 * @param Dispatcher $dispatcher
	protected function _initTwig(Dispatcher $dispatcher)
		$config = Application::app()->getConfig();
		$dispatcher->setView(new Twig(APP_PATH.'views', $config->twig->toArray()));

Add to application.ini:


application.view.ext = twig

twig.cache = APP_PATH "../cache"

[devel : product]

twig.debug = true



use \Yaf\Bootstrap_Abstract;
use \Yaf\Dispatcher;
use \Yaf\Application;
use \JustMd5\TwigAdapter;

class Bootstrap extends Bootstrap_Abstract

	 * @param Dispatcher $dispatcher
	  public function _initTwig(Dispatcher $dispatcher)
            if (REQUEST_METHOD !== 'CLI') {
                $config = Application::app()->getConfig();
                $modules_names = explode(',', $config->application->modules);
                $paths = [ROOT_PATH . '/' . APP_NAME . '/views'];
                array_walk($modules_names, function ($v) use (&$paths) {
                    if (is_dir(ROOT_PATH . '/' . APP_NAME . '/modules/' . $v . '/views')) {
                        array_push($paths, ROOT_PATH . '/' . APP_NAME . '/modules/' . $v . '/views');
                $dispatcher->setView(new Twig($paths, isset($config->twig) ? $config->twig->toArray() : []));


Add to application.ini:


application.modules = "Index,Log,Demo"
application.view.ext = twig

twig.cache = APP_PATH "../cache"
[devel : product]
twig.debug = true


MIT license

FOSSA Status