
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.024) of this package.


0.024 2020-05-18 08:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:41:38 UTC


How to create a unit test

vendor\bin\codecept g:test unit <testName>

Test code

vendor\bin\codecept run

Run Documentation

Important: Before running the documentation you need to have installed graphviz and have it on your path - https://graphviz.gitlab.io/about/

For more information about documenting your code - https://phpdoc.org

vendor/bin/phpdoc -d classes/ -t documentation/

For windows:
vendor\bin\phpdoc -d classes\ -t documentation\

How to use code

Open imap stream

$emailReader = new \Utilities\EmailReader("host", "username", "password", "port number (optional: default is 993)");

$mailBox = $emailReader->openMailBox("flags" (optional: default is "/imap/ssl"));

Get an array of mailbox folders to choose from

$folders = $emailReader->getMailBoxFolders();

Open the desired mailbox folder from the returned array

Use the returned folders array to select which mailbox folder you want to open

$mailBoxFolder = $emailReader->openMailBoxFolder($folders[0]);

Get the headers of all the messages in the selected mailbox folder

$headers = $emailReader->getMailBoxHeaders($mailBoxFolder);

Read a selected message in the mailbox folder

Select which message number you want to read from the mailbox folder

$messageNumber = 418

$email = $emailReader->getMessageData($messageNumber, $mailBoxFolder);

Dump the attached files to a specified directory location

If there is an attachment on the email you want to download: Supply the email using the above method and a valid directory path you want the attachments to be downloaded to

$directory = "C:\\Users\\user\\Downloads\\";

$emailReader->dumpAttachments($email, $directory);

Set message status

Set flags to messages using predefined constants: EMAIL_SEEN, EMAIL_FLAGGED, EMAIL_DELETED, EMAIL_DRAFT or EMAIL_ANSWERED

$messageNumberSequence = 2;

$emailReader->setMessageStatus($messageNumberSequence, EMAIL_SEEN);

Clear message status

Clear flags from messages using predefined constants: EMAIL_SEEN, EMAIL_FLAGGED, EMAIL_DELETED, EMAIL_DRAFT or EMAIL_ANSWERED

$messageNumberSequence = 2;

$emailReader->setMessageStatus($messageNumberSequence, EMAIL_SEEN);

Move or copy messages to a different mailbox folder

Important: Some email servers require specific flags to be set before moving messages to a specific folder. For example: On a Gmail server, in order for messages to be moved to the Drafts folder ([Gmail]/Drafts) the message first needs to be flagged as "\Draft"


$messageNumberSequence = 2;

$emailReader->messageMove($messageNumberSequence, $folders[2]);


$messageNumberSequence = 2;

$emailReader->messageCopy($messageNumberSequence, $folders[2]);

Delete a message in the mailbox folder

$messageNumber = 2;


Search for messages

Search for messages numbers containing a specific criteria

Returns an array of message numbers containing the search criteria. A list of search criteria can be found here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-search.php

$searchCriteria = "SUBJECT \"test\"";

$searchResults = $emailReader->search($searchCriteria);

Get the headers for the searched

Requires the search results from the initial search and returns the headers of all the searched emails

$searchResultHeaders = $emailReader->getSearchResultHeaders($searchResults);