
Sinatra-like application builder for the console

dev-master 2015-03-11 17:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 06:04:46 UTC


Sinatra-like application builder for the console


  • No fiddling with $argv and friends
  • Arguments filled based on their name, for easy access
  • Easily plugged in your current codebase (see Last thingies)
  • Grouped optionals
  • Option aliases


  • PHP >= 5.4


  • For Consoler to work you only need the Consoler.php file, download it and hack away
  • Also available at Packagist (Composer)


Begin by creating an instance of Consoler — in these example we use app.php as filename for the script:

$app = new Consoler

Then you can add command to it in two ways:

$app('options', $callback); // available at: php app.php
$app->create('options', $callback); // available at: php app.php create

To these functions you can add two parameter, the options as a string, and a callback which will be called when a command is matched. The options are optional and can be skipped, the first argument will become the callback.

Syntax of the options

  • -v: short option with the name v needed (ex. php app.php -v)
  • --verbose: long option with the name verbose needed (ex. php app.php --verbose)
  • filename: argument (ex. php app.php sherlock.php)
  • -f=: short option with value (ex. php app.php -f sherlock)
  • --filename=: long option with value (ex. php app.php --filename sherlock)
  • [ .. ]: optional options/arguments. Optional-tokens can occur anywhere in the options, as long as they are not nested and properly closed. You can group optional parts, meaning that both options/arguments should be available or both not. (ex. php app.php would match [-f=], and so would php app.php -f sherlock.mp4)
  • --verbose|-v: options can have aliases where the first one is leading (see Return types in callback)
  • file:filename: string before the colon is the name of a filter, currently only file and dir are available. (ex. Filters example)

Options and/or arguments are mandatory unless specified otherwise.

Return types in callback

  • Short options give a integer: php app.php -v -v -> $v === 2 (zero when optional and not provided)
  • Long options give a boolean: php app.php --verbose -> $verbose === true (false when not provided)
  • Options with a value give a string: php app.php --filename sherlock.mp4 => $filename === 'sherlock' (null when optional and not provided)
  • With aliases the leading type is used: php app.php --verbose -> $verbose === 1 (with -v|--verbose)


Basic example

$app = new Consoler;
$app->create('filename', function($filename)

Call with: php app.php create sherlock.mp4

Options example

$app = new Consoler;
$app->create('[-f|--force] filename', function($filename, $force)
	if ($force || !file_exists($filename))

Call with: php app.php create -f sherlock.mp4

Filters example

$app = new Consoler;
$app->remove('file:filename', function($filename)

Call with: php app.php remove sherlock.mp4 (only matches when file exists)

Arguments example

$app = new Consoler;
$app->remove('[foo] [bar baz] filename', function($foo, $bar, $baz, $filename)
	// foo = null
	// bar = '1'
	// baz = '2'
	// filename = 'sherlock.mp4'

Call with: php app.php remove 1 2 sherlock.mp4 (foo is not matched, bar & baz take precedence because they are grouped)

Interactive example

$app = new Consoler;
$app->remove('filename', function($filename, $confirm, $print)
	if ($confirm('Are you sure?', 'y' /* default */))
		$print('File removed');
		$print('File not removed');

Call with: php app.php remove sherlock.mp4


Check out the tests in tests/ConsolerTest.php.


Helpers are available as parameter in the callback

  • $print -> prints to the standard out (STDOUT)
  • $error -> prints to the standard error (STDERR)
  • $ask -> return data from STDIN — typing :)
  • $confirm -> ask for y or n and return a boolean
  • $password -> ask for a password without showing the input (on STDERR)
  • $file -> ask for a valid file
  • $exit -> helper to exit the process (exit;) with optional error message or code

Last thingies

You can use one of your existing classes as a valid callback by adding __consolerInvoke-method.