
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the juspay/expresscheckout-php-sdk package instead.
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Express Checkout SDK for PHP allows easy integration with Juspay's EC payments as a service platform

dev-master 2016-07-07 06:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:59:37 UTC


The Juspay PHP library provides integration access to the Juspay services. The library is distributed using composer.

To add the library to your project, add it to your composer.json. This package requires a minimum-stability of dev. Set the minimum-stability in your composer.json accordingly.

Example usage


The SDK exposes 2 main api classes, the Orders and Cards APIs.

But before we start creating orders and process payments, we need to do some basic setup of the SDK.

Setting up the SDK for use.

To setup the SDK, we must first declare the merchantId, apiKey and environment that we wish to use.

Set up the SDK by invoking the following function: configure($environment, $merchantId, $apiKey) Note: The merchantd that is passed to the configure method must be created on the corresponding environment. If you create an account in sandbox.juspay.in and pass the environment as JuspayConfiguration::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION ** API's will not work`.

Once the setup is done, one can create instances of the API classes, nameley the Orders and Cards classes.

    Juspay::configure('myMerchantId', '3954450E640447CAA7833D0C266CB2F8', JuspayConfiguration::ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX);
    $socketConnectTimeout = 10;
    $connectionReadTimeout = 20;
    $ordersApiInstance = new Orders($socketConnectTimeout, $connectionReadTimout);
    $cardsApiInstance = new Cards($socketConnectTimeout, $connectionReadTimout);

As an alternative, one can invoke the JuspayConfigure::configureAndSetUp($environment, $merchantId, $apiKey, $apiConnectTimeout, $apiReadTimeout) method, passing in a connect timeout and read timeout value. Calling this method sets up instances of the Order and Card APIs.

    $socketConnectTimeout = 10;
    $connectionReadTimeout = 20;
    // Instances of the Cards and Orders APIs are avalable inside the ExpressCheckout class.
    $ordersApiInstance = ExpressCheckout::$Order;
    $cardsApiInstance = ExpressCheckout::$Card;

Note on API response

The responses from the Juspay HTTP API are always in JSON format. The JSON format data returned from the HTTP APIs are parsed using the PHP json_decode function. The response is decoded into PHP arrays.

All values returned from the Cards and Orders API are php arrays having the body, headers and responseCode as keys. body consists of the HTTP payload of the response, the headers contain the response headers and responseCode constains the HTTP status code of the response.


Response from the ExpressCheckout::$Cards->addCard($params):

        [body] => Array
                [card_token] => ab9e9d3f-35d4-4a24-93f1-762a082ae4e4
                [card_reference] => 66d54d9150d10335ba9d947fb5fb1748
                [card_fingerprint] => 3csmo6fvfsge9pqftfb858aicp
        [headers] => HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
                     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                     Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
                     Cache-control: no-cache="set-cookie"
                     Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
                     Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2016 06:28:46 GMT
                     Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
                     Pragma: no-cache
                     Server: ***
                     Set-Cookie: AWSELB=6773E1D310F68F94E7244334D860EC90C0C6FD86A5BBFB381A3D95415EEA068E0EDC597C16422068E16BCEF4B4226E60D53FD0A870DA118459E1FF8E4B71D9020D5E78EC55;PATH=/;MAX-AGE=1800
                     Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=0; includeSubDomains
                     Content-Length: 166
                     Connection: keep-alive
        [responseCode] => 200