junker / smarty-service-provider
Smarty service provider for silex
- php: >=7.1.0
- smarty/smarty: ^4.5
Requires (Dev)
- silex/silex: ~2.0
The SmartyServiceProvider provides integration with the [Smarty] (http://www.smarty.net) template engine.
smarty.dir (string, optional): Path to the directory containing Smarty distribution (a one with folders libs and demo). If not given, provider assumes, that smarty class is already loaded.
smarty.instance (\Smarty, optional): An instance of Smarty class. If not given, will be created by the provider.
smarty.options (array, optional): An associative array of smarty class variables to set. Check out the [Smarty documentation] (http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/api.variables.tpl) for more information.
smarty.configure (callable, optional): A callable which takes one argument - Smarty class instance. It is called during provider's register() method. You can use this option to make some custom smarty configuration, for example.
- smarty: The
instance. The main way of interacting with Smarty.
The best way to install Smarty Trait is to use a Composer:
composer require junker/smarty-service-provider
Make sure you place a copy of [Smarty] (http://www.smarty.net) in the vendor/Smarty
use Junker\Silex\Provider\SmartyServiceProvider; define('SMARTY_PATH', __DIR__ . '/../../../../vendor/Smarty'); $app->register(new SmartyServiceProvider(), array( 'smarty.dir' => SMARTY_PATH, 'smarty.options' => array( 'template_dir' => SMARTY_PATH . '/demo/templates', 'compile_dir' => SMARTY_PATH . '/demo/templates_c', 'config_dir' => SMARTY_PATH . '/demo/configs', 'cache_dir' => SMARTY_PATH . '/demo/cache',),));
Smarty is not compiled into the silex.phar
You have to add your own copy of [Smarty] (http://www.smarty.net) to your application.
The Smarty provider provides a smarty
$app->get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) use ($app) { return $app['smarty']->display('hello.tpl', [ 'name' => $name, ]); });
This will render a file named hello.tpl
in the configured templates folder you passed in smarty.options
In any Smarty template, the app
variable refers to the Application object.
So you can access any services from within your view. For example to access
, just put this in your template:
Get new smarty instance with same smarty.options:
$smarty2 = $app['smarty.new_instance']();
class Application extends \Silex\Application { use \Junker\Silex\Application\SmartyTrait; } $app->render('hello.tpl', [ 'name' => $name, ]);
Template usage
{path _name='app.login'} same as $app['url_generator']->generate('app.login'); {path _name='app.product' id=11} same as $app['url_generator']->generate('app.product', ['id' => 11]); {url _name='app.login'} same as $app['url_generator']->generate('app.login', UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL); {trans _name='err.access_forbidden'} same as $app['translator']->trans('err.access_forbidden'); {trans _name='warn.my_city' city='London'} same as $app['translator']->trans('warn.my_city', ['%city%' => 'London']); {trans}hello{/trans} same as $app['translator']->trans('hello'); {transChoice _name='days' _count=5} same as $app['translator']->transChoice('days', 5, ['%count%' => 5]);