jumper423 / voximplant-phpsdk
Voximplant HTTP API php sdk
2018-02-21 16:30 UTC
- php: >=5.4
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~1.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4.8
- satooshi/php-coveralls: ~1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-05 20:01:53 UTC
Voximplant HTTP API description
- API version: 1.0.0 For more information, please visit http://voximplant.com
PHP 5.4.0 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/DmitryIvaneychik/phpsdk.git"
"require": {
"voximplant/phpsdk": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
require_once( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' );
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure API key: api_key Voximplant\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api_key', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Configure account name: account_name Voximplant\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('account_name', 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME'); $api_instance = new \Voximplant\Api\AccountsAuthenticationApi(); try { $result = $api_instance->logon(); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountsAuthenticationApi->logon: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.voximplant.com/platform_api/
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountsAuthenticationApi | logon | POST /Logon | |
AccountsAuthenticationApi | logout | POST /Logout | |
ManagingAccountsApi | chargeAccount | POST /ChargeAccount | |
ManagingAccountsApi | confirmAccountPasswordChange | POST /ConfirmAccountPasswordChange | |
ManagingAccountsApi | getAccountDocuments | POST /GetAccountDocuments | |
ManagingAccountsApi | getAccountInfo | POST /GetAccountInfo | |
ManagingAccountsApi | getCurrencyRate | POST /GetCurrencyRate | |
ManagingAccountsApi | getMoneyAmountToCharge | POST /GetMoneyAmountToCharge | |
ManagingAccountsApi | getResourcePrice | POST /GetResourcePrice | |
ManagingAccountsApi | getSubscriptionPrice | POST /GetSubscriptionPrice | |
ManagingAccountsApi | sendAccountPasswordChangeRequest | POST /SendAccountPasswordChangeRequest | |
ManagingAccountsApi | setAccountDocument | POST /SetAccountDocument | |
ManagingAccountsApi | setAccountInfo | POST /SetAccountInfo | |
ManagingAdminRolesApi | addAdminRole | POST /AddAdminRole | |
ManagingAdminRolesApi | delAdminRole | POST /DelAdminRole | |
ManagingAdminRolesApi | getAdminRoles | POST /GetAdminRoles | |
ManagingAdminRolesApi | setAdminRoleInfo | POST /SetAdminRoleInfo | |
ManagingAdminUsersApi | addAdminUser | POST /AddAdminUser | |
ManagingAdminUsersApi | attachAdminRole | POST /AttachAdminRole | |
ManagingAdminUsersApi | delAdminUser | POST /DelAdminUser | |
ManagingAdminUsersApi | getAdminUsers | POST /GetAdminUsers | |
ManagingAdminUsersApi | setAdminUserInfo | POST /SetAdminUserInfo | |
ManagingApplicationsApi | addApplication | POST /AddApplication | |
ManagingApplicationsApi | delApplication | POST /DelApplication | |
ManagingApplicationsApi | getApplications | POST /GetApplications | |
ManagingApplicationsApi | setApplicationInfo | POST /SetApplicationInfo | |
ManagingAuthorizedIPsApi | addAuthorizedAccountIP | POST /AddAuthorizedAccountIP | |
ManagingAuthorizedIPsApi | checkAuthorizedAccountIP | POST /CheckAuthorizedAccountIP | |
ManagingAuthorizedIPsApi | delAuthorizedAccountIP | POST /DelAuthorizedAccountIP | |
ManagingAuthorizedIPsApi | getAuthorizedAccountIPs | POST /GetAuthorizedAccountIPs | |
ManagingCallListsApi | appendToCallList | POST /AppendToCallList | |
ManagingCallListsApi | createCallList | POST /CreateCallList | |
ManagingCallListsApi | createManualCallList | POST /CreateManualCallList | |
ManagingCallListsApi | getCallListDetails | POST /GetCallListDetails | |
ManagingCallListsApi | getCallLists | POST /GetCallLists | |
ManagingCallListsApi | recoverCallList | POST /RecoverCallList | |
ManagingCallListsApi | startNextCallTask | POST /StartNextCallTask | |
ManagingCallListsApi | stopCallListProcessing | POST /StopCallListProcessing | |
ManagingCallerIDsApi | activateCallerID | POST /ActivateCallerID | |
ManagingCallerIDsApi | addCallerID | POST /AddCallerID | |
ManagingCallerIDsApi | delCallerID | POST /DelCallerID | |
ManagingCallerIDsApi | getCallerIDs | POST /GetCallerIDs | |
ManagingCallerIDsApi | verifyCallerID | POST /VerifyCallerID | |
ManagingHistoryApi | downloadHistoryReport | POST /DownloadHistoryReport | |
ManagingHistoryApi | getACDHistory | POST /GetACDHistory | |
ManagingHistoryApi | getCallHistory | POST /GetCallHistory | |
ManagingHistoryApi | getHistoryReports | POST /GetHistoryReports | |
ManagingHistoryApi | getTransactionHistory | POST /GetTransactionHistory | |
ManagingPSTNBlacklistApi | addPstnBlackListItem | POST /AddPstnBlackListItem | |
ManagingPSTNBlacklistApi | delPstnBlackListItem | POST /DelPstnBlackListItem | |
ManagingPSTNBlacklistApi | getPstnBlackList | POST /GetPstnBlackList | |
ManagingPSTNBlacklistApi | setPstnBlackListItem | POST /SetPstnBlackListItem | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | attachPhoneNumber | POST /AttachPhoneNumber | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | bindPhoneNumberToApplication | POST /BindPhoneNumberToApplication | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | deactivatePhoneNumber | POST /DeactivatePhoneNumber | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | getActualPhoneNumberRegion | POST /GetActualPhoneNumberRegion | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | getNewPhoneNumbers | POST /GetNewPhoneNumbers | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | getPhoneNumberCategories | POST /GetPhoneNumberCategories | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | getPhoneNumberCountryStates | POST /GetPhoneNumberCountryStates | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | getPhoneNumberRegions | POST /GetPhoneNumberRegions | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | getPhoneNumbers | POST /GetPhoneNumbers | |
ManagingPhoneNumbersApi | setPhoneNumberInfo | POST /SetPhoneNumberInfo | |
ManagingPushCredentialsApi | addPushCredential | POST /AddPushCredential | |
ManagingPushCredentialsApi | bindPushCredential | POST /BindPushCredential | |
ManagingPushCredentialsApi | delPushCredential | POST /DelPushCredential | |
ManagingPushCredentialsApi | getPushCredential | POST /GetPushCredential | |
ManagingPushCredentialsApi | setPushCredential | POST /SetPushCredential | |
ManagingQueuesApi | addQueue | POST /AddQueue | |
ManagingQueuesApi | delQueue | POST /DelQueue | |
ManagingQueuesApi | getACDState | POST /GetACDState | |
ManagingQueuesApi | getQueues | POST /GetQueues | |
ManagingQueuesApi | setQueueInfo | POST /SetQueueInfo | |
ManagingRegulationAddressApi | createRegulationAddress | POST /CreateRegulationAddress | |
ManagingRegulationAddressApi | getAvailibleRegulations | POST /GetAvailibleRegulations | |
ManagingRegulationAddressApi | getCountries | POST /GetCountries | |
ManagingRegulationAddressApi | getRegions | POST /GetRegions | |
ManagingRegulationAddressApi | getRegulationsAddress | POST /GetRegulationsAddress | |
ManagingRegulationAddressApi | getZIPCodes | POST /GetZIPCodes | |
ManagingRegulationAddressApi | linkregulationAddress | POST /LinkregulationAddress | |
ManagingRegulationAddressApi | uploadProofOfAddress | POST /UploadProofOfAddress | |
ManagingRulesApi | addRule | POST /AddRule | |
ManagingRulesApi | delRule | POST /DelRule | |
ManagingRulesApi | getRules | POST /GetRules | |
ManagingRulesApi | reorderRules | POST /ReorderRules | |
ManagingRulesApi | setRuleInfo | POST /SetRuleInfo | |
ManagingSIPRegistrationApi | bindSipRegistration | POST /BindSipRegistration | |
ManagingSIPRegistrationApi | createSipRegistration | POST /CreateSipRegistration | |
ManagingSIPRegistrationApi | deleteSipRegistration | POST /DeleteSipRegistration | |
ManagingSIPRegistrationApi | getSipRegistrations | POST /GetSipRegistrations | |
ManagingSIPRegistrationApi | updateSipRegistration | POST /UpdateSipRegistration | |
ManagingSIPWhiteListApi | addSipWhiteListItem | POST /AddSipWhiteListItem | |
ManagingSIPWhiteListApi | delSipWhiteListItem | POST /DelSipWhiteListItem | |
ManagingSIPWhiteListApi | getSipWhiteList | POST /GetSipWhiteList | |
ManagingSIPWhiteListApi | setSipWhiteListItem | POST /SetSipWhiteListItem | |
ManagingScenariosApi | addScenario | POST /AddScenario | |
ManagingScenariosApi | bindScenario | POST /BindScenario | |
ManagingScenariosApi | delScenario | POST /DelScenario | |
ManagingScenariosApi | getScenarios | POST /GetScenarios | |
ManagingScenariosApi | reorderScenarios | POST /ReorderScenarios | |
ManagingScenariosApi | setScenarioInfo | POST /SetScenarioInfo | |
ManagingScenariosApi | startConference | POST /StartConference | |
ManagingScenariosApi | startScenarios | POST /StartScenarios | |
ManagingSkillsApi | addSkill | POST /AddSkill | |
ManagingSkillsApi | bindSkill | POST /BindSkill | |
ManagingSkillsApi | delSkill | POST /DelSkill | |
ManagingSkillsApi | getSkills | POST /GetSkills | |
ManagingSkillsApi | setSkillInfo | POST /SetSkillInfo | |
ManagingUsersApi | addUser | POST /AddUser | |
ManagingUsersApi | bindUser | POST /BindUser | |
ManagingUsersApi | delUser | POST /DelUser | |
ManagingUsersApi | getUsers | POST /GetUsers | |
ManagingUsersApi | setUserInfo | POST /SetUserInfo | |
ManagingUsersApi | transferMoneyToUser | POST /TransferMoneyToUser |
Documentation For Models
- ACDLock
- ACDLockedOperatorStateType
- ACDOperatorCall
- ACDQueueOperatorInfoType
- ACDQueueStateType
- ACDReadyOperatorStateType
- ACDServicingCallStateType
- ACDSessionEventInfoType
- ACDSessionInfoType
- ACDStateType
- ACDWaitingCallStateType
- APIError
- AccountCallback
- AccountCallbacks
- AccountDocumentVerifiedCallback
- AccountInfoType
- AccountIsFrozenCallback
- AccountVerificationDocument
- AccountVerificationType
- AccountVerifications
- ActivateSuccessfulCallback
- AdminRoleType
- AdminUserType
- ApplicationInfoType
- AttachedPhoneInfoType
- AuthorizedAccountIPType
- BankCardType
- CalculatedCallHistoryDataType
- CalculatedTransactionHistoryDataType
- CallHistoryReportCallback
- CallInfoType
- CallListDetailType
- CallListType
- CallSessionInfoType
- CallerIDInfoType
- CardExpiredCallback
- CardExpiresInMonthCallback
- CardPaymentCallback
- CardPaymentFailedCallback
- CertCredentialType
- ChargeAccountResult
- ChargedPhoneType
- ClonedACDQueueType
- ClonedACDSkillType
- ClonedAccountType
- ClonedAdminRoleType
- ClonedAdminUserType
- ClonedApplicationType
- ClonedRuleType
- ClonedScenarioType
- ClonedUserType
- ContractInfoType
- ContractorInfoType
- ContractorInvoiceServiceType
- ContractorInvoiceType
- ExchangeRates
- GetMoneyAmountToChargeResult
- HistoryReportType
- JSFailCallback
- MinBalanceCallback
- NewAttachedPhoneInfoType
- NewPhoneInfoType
- PhoneNumberCountryCategoryInfoType
- PhoneNumberCountryInfoType
- PhoneNumberCountryRegionInfoType
- PhoneNumberCountryStateInfoType
- PriceGroup
- PstnBlackListInfoType
- PushCredentialInfo
- QueueInfoType
- RecordType
- RegulationAddress
- RegulationAddressVerifiedCallback
- RegulationCountry
- RegulationRegionRecord
- RenewedSubscriptionsCallback
- RenewedSubscriptionsCallbackItem
- ResetAccountPasswordRequestCallback
- ResourceParams
- ResourcePrice
- ResourceUsageType
- RuleInfoType
- SIPRegistrationFailCallback
- SIPRegistrationType
- ScenarioInfoType
- ShortAccountInfoType
- SipWhiteListInfoType
- SkillInfoType
- StagnantAccountCallback
- SubscriptionIsDetachedCallback
- SubscriptionIsDetachedCallbackItem
- SubscriptionIsFrozenCallback
- SubscriptionIsFrozenCallbackItem
- SubscriptionTemplateType
- SubscriptionsToChargeType
- TransactionHistoryReportCallback
- TransactionInfoType
- UnchargedTariffCallback
- UnverifiedSubscriptionDetachedCallback
- UnverifiedSubscriptionDetachedCallbackItem
- UserInfoType
- ZipCode
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: Account name
- Account name parameter name: account_name
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: URL query string
Dmitry Ivaneychik ivaneychik@zingaya.com