
Copyscape interface for Laravel

10.0 2023-05-22 12:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 16:57:06 UTC


What is it?

A Laravel package that provides a Copyscape interface for their premium API.


For Laravel 10.x:

    composer require juanparati/copyscape "~10.0"

For Laravel 9.x:

    composer require juanparati/copyscape "~4.0"

For Laravel 8.x:

    composer require juanparati/copyscape "~3.0"

For Laravel 6.x/7.x:

    composer require juanparati/copyscape "~2.0"

For Laravel 5.5 to 5.8:

    composer require juanparati/copyscape "~1.0"

For Laravel 5.5 it is required to register the service provider into the "config/app.php":


For Laravel 5.6+ the service provider is automatically registered.


    artisan vendor:publish --provider="Juanparati\Copyscape\CopyscapeServiceProvider"                    


Optionally add the following Alias in your config/app.php (Aliases section):

    'Copyscape' => Juanparati\Copyscape\Facades\CopyscapeClient::class, 

Usage examples

Search against URL

    // Search without full comparison.
    $results = Copyscape::searchURL('http://example.net')->request();
    // With optional options
    $search = Copyscape::searchURL('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Declaration_of_Independence');
    $search->setFullComparison(5);  // Set full comparison (0 for disable, 1-10 for full comparison)
    $results = $search->request();

Search against a text

     // Search without full comparison
     $results = Copyscape::searchText('We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.')->request();
     // With optional options       
     $search = Copyscape::searchText('We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.');
     $search->setFullComparison(5);  // Set full comparison (0 for disable, 1-10 for full comparison)
     $results = $search->request();

Search types

It's possible to change the possible search type using the "setSearchType" method:

    Copyscape::searchText('Hello Universe')

The following search types are available:

    \Juanparati\Copyscape\Services\SearchService::SEARCH_TYPE_PUBLIC    // Search against public index
    \Juanparati\Copyscape\Services\SearchService::SEARCH_TYPE_PRIVATE   // Search against private index
    \Juanparati\Copyscape\Services\SearchService::SEARCH_TYPE_BOTH      // Search against public and private indexes   

Add index from URL

In order to use the private index, remember to create a private index from the Copyscape interface

    $results = Copyscape::indexURL('http://example.net', 'my_index_id');

Add index from Text

    $results = Copyscape::indexText('Hello World', 'my_index_id');

Get the credit balance

    $results = Copyscape::getBalance();