
Display modal for "terms and conditions", and require user read (scroll to bottom) and agree to those terms before submitting form.

1.5.1 2022-04-24 01:46 UTC


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Display modal for "terms and conditions", and require user read (scroll to bottom) and agree to those terms before submitting form.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require jt782/require-read-terms-php


  1. Initialize class with form target (e.g. ".class" or "#id") and terms content:
use Seven82Media\RequireReadTerms\FormTerms;

$terms = new FormTerms(
    '<p>terms go here</p>'
  1. You can modify the following values with these methods:
  • Agree Button Text: $terms->agreeButtonText("Yes, I agree!")
  • Agree Button Color: $terms->agreeButtonColor("green")
  • Cancel Button Text: $terms->cancelButtonText("NO, this is dumb!")
  • Cancel Button Color: $terms->cancelButtonColor("red")
  • Width: $terms->width("64em")
  1. Within the form, load content and display button:
  1. If you want more control of the placement of the button vs the script, you can load them separately:
  • For button display:
  • For script output:
  1. If you have a checkbox for agree to terms, you can hide it visually and have the package check it once the user has agreed to terms:
<div style="display:none;">
    <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="agreetoterms" id="agree-to-terms" />


    $terms = new FormTerms('.test-form', '<p>Term content goes here</p>');
<form class="test-form" method="get" action="/form">

    <div style="display:none;">
        <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="agreetoterms" id="agree-to-terms" />
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>


composer test


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