Light, proxy centric, evented PHP ODM for MongoDB

v0.6.0 2013-01-18 00:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 15:46:02 UTC



Modomo (mŏ-dŏ-mŏ)

Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version

Modomo is a lightweight, event based PHP MongoDB ODM

Designed for the benefits of ODMs (getters and setters, validation and helpers) while maintaining a quick development and low entry level. All the while proxying MongoDB Core PHP classes for direct access to the MongoDB driver; no custom routines here.


  • Basic ODM features
  • Simple document classes
  • Simple collection classes
  • Validations
  • Events and callbacks
  • Direct access to MongoDB driver


  • PHP 5.3+
  • MongoDB Driver



Extract the source files into a directory in your application library path. Either autoload or require all classes.


To add via Composer using Packagist[jrschumacher/modomo] add to your composer.json

    "require": {
        "jrschumacher/modomo": "0.6.*"


Using Modomo is very simple. As a basic rule of thumb, if you use the Modomo\MongoClient() everything else will fall in place. Yet it isn't limited to that, at any point you can turn a Mongo Core Class object into a Modomo object.


Using MongoDM is as simple as declaring classes that are extensions of the base ODM class and specifying a namespace.

    namespace Collections;

    class Person {}
    namespace Documents;

    class Person {}
    use Modomo\MongoClient;
    use Documents\Person;

    $m = new MongoClient();
    $db = $m->test;
    $coll = $db->person;

    $bob = new Person(array(), $coll);
    $bob->name = "Bob";

    $people = $coll->find();
    $bob = $people->getNext();
    $bob->getDoc; // array('name' => 'Bob', '_id' => array('$id' => '12345....'));


Modomo supports some configuration for storing your collections and documents. This can simply be changed via Modomo\Config class which has some static variables to help you out.

Warning: Due to it's dynamic nature it will change future states.

    // Assuming MongoDB collection is "people"

    // For collections
    Modomo\Config::$collectionNS;                                   // \Collections\People.php
    Modomo\Config::$collectionNS = 'App\\Collection';               // \App\Collection\People.php
    Modomo\Config::$collectionClass = '{{mongo.coll}}Collection';   // \App\Collection\PeopleCollection.php

    // For documents
    Modomo\Config::$documentNS;                                     // \Documents\People.php
    Modomo\Config::$documentNS = 'App\\Document';                   // \App\Document\People.php
    Modomo\Config::$documentClass = '{{mongo.coll}}Document';       // \App\Document\PeopleDocument.php


The namespace for the collections or documents may be changed via the $collecionNS and $documentNS variables. By default they resolve to \Collections and '\Documents' respectively.

Note: use a double slash \\ when implementing a sub namespace

    // To change the name space to \XYZ
    Modomo\Config::$collectionNS = 'XYZ';
    // To change the namespace to \XYZ\ABC
    Modomo\Config::$collectionNS = 'XYZ\\ABC';

Class Names

The class names for collections and documents may be changed via the $collectionClass and $documentClass variables. By default they resolve to the name of the MongoDB collection in StudlyCaps (see PSR-1)

A string replace is executed to provide more flexibility with your class names. Following is a list of supported patterns:

    // To change the class name to XYZ (not a good idea)
    Modomo\Config::$collectionClass = 'XYZ';
    // To change the class name to AwesomePeopleCollection
    Modomo\Config::$collectionClass = 'Awesome{{mongo.coll}}Collection';
 Pattern                Description
{{mongo.coll}}          Replaced with the collection name StudlyCapped

Other replacements will be added upon request and discussion


  • mongo is reserved for MongoDB related replacements


CRUD Methods

Other Methods


Events / Callbacks

A number of events exist throughout Modomo. You can hook into these events by registering your callable method with your collection.

Event Hooks

  • beforeCreate
  • beforeCreateNew
  • afterCreate
  • afterCreateNew
  • beforeSave
  • beforeSaveNew
  • afterSave
  • afterSaveNew
  • beforeValidation
  • afterValidation
  • beforeDestroy

In a new, save, destroy cycle, the validations are called in the following order:

beforeCreateNew -> afterCreateNew -> beforeValidation -> afterValidation -> beforeSaveNew -> afterSaveNew -> beforeDestroy

    namespace Collections;

    class Person {}

    $beforeSaveCallback = function() {};

    Person::registerEvent('beforeSave', $beforeSaveCallback, array('param1', 'param2'));