jroszkiewicz / phpunit-xpath-assertions
Xpath assertions and constraints for PHPUnit
- php: ^7.3|^8.0
- ext-dom: *
- ext-json: *
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 || ^9.0 || ^10.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:35:46 UTC
Xpath assertions and constraints for use with PHPUnit.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use PHPUnit\Xpath\Assert as XpathAssertions; class MyProjectExampleTest extends TestCase { use XpathAssertions; public function testChildElementExistsInDocument() { $document = new \DOMDocument(); $document->loadXML('<root><child>TEXT</child></root>'); self::assertXpathMatch('//child', $document); } public function testCompareChildElementFromDocument() { $document = new \DOMDocument(); $document->loadXML('<root><child>TEXT</child></root>'); self::assertXpathEquals('<child>TEXT</child>', '//child', $document); } }
Use Composer to manage the dependencies of your project then you can add the PHPUnit example extension as a development-time dependency to your project:
$ composer require --dev jroszkiewicz/phpunit-xpath-assertions
The library provides traits that you can use to add the assertions to your TestCase.
use PHPUnit\Xpath\Assert as XpathAssertions; use PHPUnit\Xpath\Constraint as XpathConstraints; class MyProjectExampleTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { use XpathAssertions; use XpathConstraints; }
Use trait PHPUnit\Xpath\Constraint
. They can be used with assertThat()
with Mocks.
function matchesXpathExpression(string $expression, array|\ArrayAccess $namespaces = [])
Validate if the provided Xpath expression matches something that is TRUE and not empty. It will fail if the expression returns an empty node list or an empty string or FALSE.
public function testChildElementExistsInDocument() { $document = new \DOMDocument(); $document->loadXML('<root><child>TEXT</child></root>'); self::assertThat( $document, self::matchesXpathExpression('//child') ); }
function matchesXpathResultCount( int $expectedCount, string $expression, array|\ArrayAccess $namespaces = array() )
Returns true if the provided Xpath expression matches exactly the expected count of nodes.
public function testChildElementExistsOnTimeInDocument() { $document = new \DOMDocument(); $document->loadXML('<root><child>TEXT</child></root>'); self::assertThat( $document, self::matchesXpathResultCount(1, '//child') ); }
function equalToXpathResult( mixed $expected, string $expression, array|\ArrayAccess, $namespaces = array() )
If the expressions return a node list it compares the serialized XML of the matched nodes with the provided XML string or DOM. If the expression return a scalar uses a constraint depending on the type.
public function testCompareChildElementFromDocument() { $document = new \DOMDocument(); $document->loadXML('<root><child>TEXT</child></root>'); self::assertThat( $document, self::equalToXpathResult( '<child>TEXT</child>', '//child' ) ); }
public function testCompareChildElementFromDocumentAsString() { $document = new \DOMDocument(); $document->loadXML('<root><child>TEXT</child></root>'); self::assertThat( $document, self::equalToXpathResult( 'TEXT', 'string(//child)' ) ); }
Use trait PHPUnit\Xpath\Assert
. These assertions are shortcuts for
- self::assertXpathMatch()
- self::assertXpathCount()
- self::assertXpathEquals()
All methods have an optional argument that allow to provide an namespace definition.
public function testChildWithNamespaceElementExistsTwoTimesInDocument() { $document = new \DOMDocument(); $document->loadXML( '<example:root xmlns:example="urn:example"> <example:child>TEXT</example:child> <example:child>TEXT</example:child> </example:root>' ); self::assertThat( $document, self::matchesXpathResultCount(2, '//e:child', ['e' => 'urn:example']) ); }
JSON (>= 1.2.0)
The assertions can be used with JsonSerializable objects/arrays. They will be converted into a DOM representation internally.
public function testHomePhoneNumbersEqualsExpected() { self::assertXpathEquals( [ [ 'type' => 'home', 'number' => '212 555-1234' ] ], 'phoneNumbers/*[type="home"]', json_decode($wikipediaJsonExample) ); }
Contributions are welcome, please use the issue tracker to report bug and feature ideas.