
An autocomplete dropdown for Livewire

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v2.1.3 2025-02-27 22:31 UTC


An autocomplete select component designed for use with Livewire that allows you to search through results or add a new one.


  • Laravel ^10.0.0
  • Livewire ^3.0.0
  • Alpine ^3.0.0 (included in Livewire V3)


Version 1.x of this package supports Livewire V2.

If you want to use this with Livewire V3, you will need to upgrade to version 2.x of this package.

There shouldn't be any breaking changes that you have to deal with, as all the breaking changes are internal.

Note: Livewire V3 no longer supports Eloquent Model binding out of the box. If you are using Eloquent Models in your autocomplete search results (as previously recommended by this package), you can enable legacy_model_binding in Livewire V3. It's not recommended to use legacy model binding in Livewire V3, so it should only be used to assist with upgrading and refactoring away from models.


To install the package run

composer require joshhanley/livewire-autocomplete

Once the composer install finishes, the next step is to configure Tailwind to look for the autocomplete components, so all the styles are generated correctly.

In your tailwind.config.js file, add the path to the autocomplete view directory to the end of the content array:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
    content: [

And that's it, we have everything we need.


This autocomplete component is a blade component design to be used within a Livewire component. It won't work as a standalone component, without Livewire.

Demo App

The source code for a demo of this Livewire Autocomplete component can be found here here

Example API

        'id' => 'id',
        'text' => 'name',
        'auto-select' => true,
        'allow-new' => true,
        'load-once-on-focus' => true,
        'inline' => true,
        'inline-styles' => 'relative',
        'overlay-styles' => 'absolute z-30',
        'result-focus-styles' => 'bg-blue-500',
        'outer-container' => 'my-outer-container',
        'input' => 'my-input',
        'clear-button' => 'my-clear-button',
        'dropdown' => 'my-dropdown',
        'loading' => 'my-loading',
        'results-container' => 'my-results-container',
        'prompt' => 'my-prompt',
        'results-list' => 'my-results-list',
        'add-new-row' => 'my-add-new-row',
        'result-row' => 'my-client-result-row',
        'no-results' => 'my-no-results',

Wire Bindings

  • wire:model-id this is the property on the Livewire component that should be populated with the selected ID

  • wire:model-text this is the property on the Livewire component that should be populated with the text value of the input field

  • wire:model-results this is the property on the Livewire component that contains the list of results. This can be an array or collection of values, array with keys, or eloquent models (note for eloquent models to work in Livewire V3, you need to use legacy_model_binding for this to work - but it's not recommended)

  • wire:focus this is the method on the Livewire component that should be called on focus to load results into the results property


  • {$name}-add-new event, this is the main event the component fires, it uses the name attribute used for the component to fire the event (The allow-new option needs to be set true).

Add new event example

    <div x-on:my-autocomplete-add-new.window="$wire.createUser($event.detail)">
                'text'=> 'name',
                'allow-new'=> 'true',
            ]" />

Options and Components

Options and components have defaults set in the config file, which can be published and overridden changing all autocomplete components. Then individual options and components can be passed into each instance of the component through the props, and an array merge happens inside of the autocomplete class to populate any overrides.


  • id this is set to id by default but can be mapped to a different property on an array or model (e.g. slug)

  • text this is set to text by default but can be mapped to a different property on an array or model (e.g. name)

  • auto-select true by default.

    • If is true, there will always be a highlighted result and enter or tab will auto select that result.
  • allow-new true by default.

    • If allow-new is true, the first option will be Add new client "Bob", which tab autoselects
    • If allow-new is false, the first option is a result, which tab autoselects
  • load-once-on-focus true by default.

    • If is true, and there is a wire:focus binding, then the action will only be called on the first focus of the input box. This essentially allows deferring of loading results until it is needed.
  • inline this is a quick styling toggle between displaying the dropdown box inline or as an overlay.

  • inline-styles the styles to use when displaying the dropdown inline.

  • overlay-styles the styles to use when displaying the dropdown as an overlay.

  • result-focus-styles the styles to use on a result row when it has focus.


Components can be published to your resources/views/vendor/package/autocomplete/components using

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LivewireAutocomplete\LivewireAutocompleteServiceProvider" --tag="autocomplete-components"
  • outer-container surrounds the whole autocomplete input and dropdown

  • input is the input element

  • clear-button is the clear button for clearing an existing selection

  • dropdown is the dropdown box

  • loading is the loading contents, shown when livewire is loading

  • results-container surrounds the prompt, results, and no results components

  • prompt is the prompt shown in the empty box, when it's open (when wire:focus not set and results = null)

  • results-list surrounds only the add new row and the result rows

  • add-new-row is the "add new" result prompt row (when allow-new = true)

  • result-row is the component to use for each of the result rows

  • no-results is when there are no results found (when allow-new = false)


Below is the structure of how all the components are laid out, so you know which components to customise (if desired)

    <input />

    <clear-button />

        <loading />

            <prompt />

                <add-new-row />

                <result-row />

            <no-results />

Default Components


Config can be published using

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LivewireAutocomplete\LivewireAutocompleteServiceProvider" --tag="autocomplete-config"

If you wish to use the global namespace <x-autocomplete> instead of <x-lwa::autocomplete> then you can set 'use_global_namespace' => true, in your config.

Default Config


The default styles on this component use Tailwind, but they can be overridden by:

  • publishing the components and changing them;
  • publishing the config and setting custom component names to use in the config; or
  • manually passing in component names to each instance of the autocomplete component through the components prop


Livewire Autocomplete scripts are automatically included whenever you have an <x-autocomplete> component on the page.

But the scripts don't load, if the autocomplete component isn't displayed on page render.

To get around this, you can disable the inline scripts by setting the config autocomplete.inline-scripts to false.

You can then either include the script in your app.blade.php layout file at the end of the body tag, after Livewire's scripts.

    <livewire:scripts />
    <script src="{{ route('livewire-autocomplete.asset', 'autocomplete.js') }}"></script>

Or you can include the autocomplete scripts in your app.js bundle.
