
A Laravel Dusk testing helper for Livewire package development.

v3.0.0-beta.8 2025-02-26 04:25 UTC


Livewire Dusk Testbench is a convenience wrapper around Orchestral Testbench Dusk to make testing Livewire components in your package using Laravel Dusk easier.

The code was developed by Caleb Porzio for testing Livewire itself, and packaged up by Josh Hanley for use by others.

Getting Started

It's recommended you read the documentation of these packages before going through this document:


To install through composer, run the following command from terminal:

composer require --dev joshhanley/livewire-dusk-testbench

Upgrading from V2 of this package

  • App key in phpunit.xml is no longer needed.
  • Signature of public array $packageProviders = []; now has array type definition.
  • configureViewDirectory() method has been renamed to viewsDirectory and should now return a string of the path for the views directory. A string return type is also required.
  • $testsNamespace property and configureTestsDirectory() method are no longer needed so can be deleted.
  • tweatApplicationHook() method is now a static method.
  • Almost all of the items listed in the Possible Overrides in the old README are no longer relevant and can be removed. Remaining ones are listed in that section below.
  • Tests no longer need the $this->browse() method to be called, instead you can call Livewire::visit(MyComponent::class) and the first parameter of Livewire:visit is no longer $browser and instead is your component class. See below examples:

Old test structure:

/** @test */
public function it_can_count()
    $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
        Livewire::visit($browser, CounterComponent::class)
            // Assertions here

New test structure:

/** @test */
public function it_can_count()
        // Assertions here


To use this package you need to:

  • Setup your base browser testcase
  • Register your package service providers (if required)
  • Setup layout views (if required)
  • Configure test directory and namespace (if required)

Then you are ready to start testing.

There are other configuration options you can override depending on your needs.

Setup Browser TestCase

To use Livewire Dusk Testbench, all you need to do is extend LivewireDuskTestbench\TestCase instead of Orchestra\Testbench\Dusk\TestCase in your dusk tests.

Or configure this in your base browser testcase:


class BrowserTestCase extends LivewireDuskTestbench\TestCase

Register Package Service Providers

Register your package services providers in $packageProviders property to ensure they are loaded for testing:

public array $packageProviders = [

Setup Layout Views

To add other packages to your app layout for testing with, such as AlpineJS, you will need to create a custom layout.

Create your own app layout by creating a views/components/layouts folder somewhere in your package and add a app.blade.php file inside the layouts folder.

Populate your app layout as required.

Then set your base view folder by overridding viewsDirectory method to return a path to the views folder you created.

For Example

A good location to store your views folder and app layout would be in your Dusk browser tests folder.

In the root of your package, create the following directories and file tests/Browser/views/components/layouts/app.blade.php

Then in your tests/Browser/TestCase.php file add:

public function viewsDirectory(): string
    // Resolves to 'tests/Browser/views'
    return __DIR__.'/views';

Livewire Dusk Macros

Livewire comes with a bunch of Dusk macros which you can use.

Check them out in the Livewire source in 'livewire/src/Features/SupportTesting/DuskBrowserMacros.php'.

In addition, the package provides the following:

  • assertSeeInOrder('@container', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
  • assertIsVisibleInContainer('@container', '@item')
  • assertIsNotVisibleInContainer('@container', '@item')
  • assertHasClasses('@selector', ['class1', 'class2', 'class3'])
  • assertHasOnlyClasses('@selector', ['class1', 'class2', 'class3'])
  • assertMissingClasses('@selector', ['class1', 'class2', 'class3'])
  • assertConsoleLogHasErrors()
  • assertConsoleLogMissingErrors()
  • assertConsoleLogHasError($message)
  • assertConsoleLogMissingError($message)

Demo Package

A demo package has been setup which gives a sample of how this package can be used. Check it out here

Livewire Package Demo

Possible Overrides

Below is a list of some of the settings you can override inside your browser TestCase file to suit your testing needs. Listed below are the defaults:

public $packageProviders = [];

public function viewsDirectory(): string
    return '';

public static function tweakApplicationHook()
    return function () {};


This is just a convenience wrapper around Orchestral Testbench Dusk to make testing Livewire Components in your package easier.

Consult the documentation for the relevant packages for troubleshooting.