
Discover and autoload multiples components of livewire by convention (componentNamespace)

v1.3.1 2024-11-06 18:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 20:04:28 UTC



Laravel Livewire Discover

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Notice: Migration to v1.0 || I need previous version (v0.3)

Automatically discover and load/register multiple/different class namespaces for Livewire components.


You can add the package via composer:

composer require joserick/laravel-livewire-discover

And then install the package with artisan:

php artisan livewire-discover:install

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Add to LivewireDiscoverServiceProvider.php

public function boot(): void
  // Load multiples namespace for Livewire components.
    'my-components' => 'Namespaces\\Livewire',
    'new-components' => 'User\\Repository\\Livewire',

  // Or individually
  Livewire::discover('my-components', 'Namespaces\\Livewire');
  Livewire::discover('new-components', 'User\\Repository\\Livewire');

Or if you like, use "componentNamespace" function as in Blade Templates

public function boot(): void
  // Load multiples namespace for Livewire components.
  Livewire::componentNamespace('Namespaces\\Livewire', 'my-components');
  Livewire::componentNamespace('User\\Repository\\Livewire', 'new-components');
  // ...

Or use the config: 'config/livewire-discover.php'

// Load the namespace to Livewire components.
'class_namespaces' => [
  // 'prefix' => 'class\\namespace',
  'my-components' => 'Namespaces\\Livewire',
  'new-components' => 'User\\Repository\\Livewire',


Call Livewire Components:

<livewire:my-components.devices /> <!-- Class: Namespace\Livewire\Devices; -->
<livewire:new-components.auth.login /> <!-- Class: User\Repository\Livewire\Auth\Login; -->
<livewire:new-components.auth.register-admin /> <!-- Class: User\Repository\Livewire\Auth\RegisterAdmin; -->

Or use form Routes:

// Load Livewire Component from Route
use Namespaces\Livewire\Devices;
use User\Repository\Livewire\DevicesTable;

Route::get('/devices', Devices::class); // resolve name my-components.devices
Route::get('/devices_table', DevicesTable::class); // resolve name new-components.devices-table

"Obviously" you need to install the "layout" first for the Routes

php artisan livewire:layout


Displays the list of loaded namespaces (prefix, aliases and paths)

If you want to check if all the namespaces are loading correctly you can run:

php artisan livewire-discover:list

Which will show you a table with all the information:

Livewire-Discover namespaces list:

Prefix: 'my-components' (Namespaces\\Livewire)
There is no "class path" defined for the config for prefix 'my-components'
Getting the "class path" from the composer autoload file
| Alias                 | Paths                                         |
| my-components.devices | /var/www/html/namespaces/livewire/devices.php |

Create your components quickly

You can create the files automatically using the following Artisan command. In the process it will ask you for the prefix to use.

php artisan livewire-discover:make RegisterAdmin
# Or
php artisan make:livewire-discover RegisterAdmin

If you prefer kebab-cased names, you can use them as well:

php artisan livewire-discover:make register-admin

You may use namespace syntax or dot-notation to create your components in sub-directories. For example, the following commands will create a RegisterAdmin component in the Auth sub-directory:

php artisan livewire-discover:make Auth\\RegisterAdmin
php artisan livewire-discover:make auth.register-admin

Also if you don't want it to constantly ask you which prefix to select you can pass it directly with the --prefix attribute

Manually configure the 'classpath' for component creation and listing

When automatically created components through the artisan livewire-discover:make this obtains the directory path based on 'Composer Autoload File' If for some reason it is not possible to do this, you can manually configure the path, adding it as the third parameter:

    app_path('/Path/Livewire') // <-- Components directory path

Now when you create the component it will be created in the path you have specified.

Config 'view path' for component creation

Do you also want it to create the view at a specific route? Just add the view route and it will automatically create it, simple as that:

    resource_path('/views/path/livewire'), <-- Components views path

Remember that these are examples, you can specify any path within your project and it will create it.

Migration to v1

Rename Config File

The configuration file name has changed from laravel-livewire-discover.php to simply livewire-discover-php

Attributes Reversed

Replace Livewire::discover for Livewire::componentNamespace since the attributes in v1 are reversed but the componentNamespace function maintains the structure of previous versions.

Livewire::discover('Namespaces\\Livewire', 'my-components');


Livewire::componentNamespace('Namespaces\\Livewire', 'my-components');

or in any case to maintain the use of the discover() function you can invert the parameters.


Change in concatenation of prefixes with class name, previously it was concatenated using the "-" notation, now the dot-notation is used, so it must be changed in all calls to Livewire-Discover components

<livewire:components-devices />


<livewire:components.devices />

I need for v0.3.2

composer require joserick/laravel-livewire-discover:0.3.2


The GNU Public License (GPLv3). Please see License File for more information.