
ComunicaciĆ³n con Dspace

0.0.4 2020-02-21 19:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 05:54:37 UTC


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The LaravelYoutube service provider can be installed via composer by requiring the jorarmarfin/laravel_youtube package in your project's composer.json.

Laravel 5.5+ will use the auto-discovery function.

    "require": {
        "jorarmarfin/laravel-dspace": "0.0.1"

If you don't use auto-discovery you will need to include the service provider / facade in config/app.php.

'providers' => [

Vendor publish

By default, LaravelDspace will connect to, you can change this and the other settings in the configuration file. You can add the elasticquent.php config file at /app/config/dspace.php, this package has a table (resource) where to harvest the information from the dspace that is why you must run the migration before using the method

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JorarMarfin\LaravelDspace\LaravelDspaceServiceProvider"


    | url enlace del repositorio
    | Enlace de conexion al repositorio Dspace que desea cosechar

    'url' => env('DSPACE_URL', ''),

php artisan migrate

How to use it

To gather information from dspace we must know the nomenclature of oai-pmh


  • verb [ListRecords,ListMetadataFormats]
  • metadataPrefix [oai_dc,qdc,didl,mods,ore,mets,oai_dc,rdf,marc,xoai,dim,etdms]
  • resumptionToken [oai_dc,qdc,didl,mods,ore,mets,oai_dc,rdf,marc,xoai,dim,etdms]


  • getData : return data format json
  • Harvest : retriv data to table resource, no acepta el parametro verb, por defecto cosecha del metadataPrefix etdms, but you can send this value to harvest from another metadataPrefix, also accepts the from and until parameters to harvest by dates

Example Command

dspace:harvest --set=com_11283_320273 --form=2020-02-02 --until=2020-02-02


use LaravelDspace;

public function index()
    $data = LaravelDspace::getData(['verb'=>'ListRecords','set'=>'com_11283_320273','metadataPrefix'=>'etdms'])
    $data1 = LaravelDspace::Harvest(['set'=>'com_11283_320273']);
    return $data;