A simple content management framework.

v1.0.1 2018-11-01 22:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 12:09:32 UTC


A simple content management framework.


composer require 'jontynewman/oku ^1.0'

Example Usage

Hello, world!

In the following example, requests to the root path (i.e. /) will be responded to with the plain text response 'Hello, <path>!', with <path> being the path of the request. All other paths will be responded to with 404 Not Found.

It is assumed that the method and path of the request will be read from $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] and $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] respectively.


use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use JontyNewman\Oku\ContextInterface;
use JontyNewman\Oku\RequestHandler;
use JontyNewman\Oku\ResponseBuilderInterface;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$root = function (
        ResponseBuilderInterface $builder,
        ContextInterface $context
) {

    $builder->headers(['Content-Type' => 'text/plain']);
    $builder->content(function () use ($context)  {
        echo "Hello, '{$context->request()->getUri()->getPath()}'!";

$repository = new ArrayObject(['/' => $root]);

$default = new Response(404, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], 'Not Found');

$handler = new RequestHandler($repository, $default);



To enable content management, an editor must be passed to the request handler.

$editor = function (
        ResponseBuilderInterface $builder,
        ContextInterface $context
) {

    $builder->content(function () use ($context) {

        require 'editor.php';

$handler = new RequestHandler($repository, $default, $editor);

An example template of the editor (i.e. editor.php) follows.

<?php /* @var $context \JontyNewman\Oku\ContextInterface */ ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <?php /* Allow the content to be updated. */ ?>
    <form action="" method="post">
          <textarea name="text"></textarea>
        <?php /* Prevent cross-site request forgery. */ ?>
        <?= $context->token(); ?>
        <?php /* Override POST with PUT. */ ?>
        <?= $context->put(); ?>
        <input type="submit" value="Update">
    <?php /* Allow the content to be deleted. */ ?>
    <form action="" method="post">
        <?php /* Prevent cross-site request forgery. */ ?>
        <?= $context->token(); ?>
        <?php /* Override POST with DELETE. */ ?>
        <?= $context->delete(); ?>
        <input type="submit" value="Delete">
    <?php /* Render the current content in an iframe. */ ?>
    <?= $context->inset(); ?>


Repositories are objects that implement the \ArrayAccess interface.

GET requests will retrieve the value at the offset that is equivalent to the path of the request. The expected return value is a callable that will accept a \JontyNewman\Oku\ResponseBuilderInterface as the first argument and a \JontyNewman\Oku\ContextInterface as the second.

PUT requests will set the value as a PSR-compliant request at the offset that is equivalent to the path of the request.

DELETE requests will unset the offset that is equivalent to the path of the request.

In summary, PSR-compliant requests go into the repository, and callable values come out of the repository.

Chickens go in, pies come out.

- Mrs Tweedy, 2000

The method for persisting the repository should be determined by the developer.


The recommended configuration is to rewrite all requests to a single PHP file (most commonly named index.php), with the request path being passed via the server API to $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].

For more information, read ShrooPHP\Framework Configuration.