
1.0.6 2019-09-05 15:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 03:36:45 UTC



A simple Laravel and Lumen api documentation generator


This tool makes possible to explain every app route by using simple explain method via clean document accessible under configured route address.

How to use

Simply call explain method on your routes:


Route::get('/', 'IndexController@index')->explain(\App\Explains\IndexRouteExplain::class);


$router->get('/', 'IndexController@index')->explain(\App\Explains\IndexRouteExplain::class);


Explain file generation

To generate route explain file with name IndexRouteExplain in app/Explains directory simply type:

php artisan explain:route IndexRouteExplain

Explain params definition

Every route explain class contains methods params, input and query.

  • params method should return array of parameters that are part of uri
  • input method should return array of formData properties
  • query method should return array of available route query param


public function input() : array
    return [
        Param::integer('parent_id')->description('parent_id of object'),
        Param::string('title')->description('reqiored title')->required(),
        Param::string('language')->default('en')->possible(['en', 'pl'])->description('language with possible values of en or pl, ehwre en will be used if not provided'),
        Param::make('meta', 'weirdtype')->default(TRUE)->description('some meta field od weirdtype type, with true as default value')

To generate route explain file with name IndexRouteExplain in app/Explains directory simply type:

php artisan explain:route IndexRouteExplain

Explain example generation

To generate route explain example file with name ValidationExample in app/Explains/Examples directory simply type:

php artisan explain:example ValidationExample

Generate documentation

Simply type

php artisan explain

and... enjoy!