
A lightweight extension allowing to translate in the ApiPlatform flow the values of the properties of an entity by a simple annotation.

3.2.0 2023-12-01 12:41 UTC


A lightweight extension allowing to translate in the ApiPlatform flow the properties values of an entity by a simple annotation.


  • symfony/translation >=5.4
  • api-platform/core: >=2.5
  • doctrine/annotations >=1.0


composer require johnkhansrc/api-platform-stream-translate-bundle

Update your services.yaml

# Using annotation
Johnkhansrc\ApiPlatformStreamTranslateBundle\EventListener\StreamTranslateAnnotationListener: ~

# Or Using attribute
Johnkhansrc\ApiPlatformStreamTranslateBundle\EventListener\StreamTranslateAttributeListener: ~



use Johnkhansrc\ApiPlatformStreamTranslateBundle\Annotation\StreamTranslate;

 * @ApiResource
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=AnyEntityRepository::class)
class AnyEntity
     * @ORM\Id
    private $id;
     * Expect translation file anyDomain.xx.yaml who contain 'anykey' key
     * @StreamTranslate(domain="anyDomain", key="anyKey")
    private string $anyStringPropertyKeyBasedExample;

     * Expect translation file anyDomain.xx.yaml who contain property value as key
     * @StreamTranslate(domain="anyDomain")
    private string $anyStringPropertyNoKeyBasedExample;

     * * * NEW ON 2.0.0 * * *
     * Iterate on each embed relation, don't forget do annotate related class properties.
     * Tips: You can use different domain on related class property's annotation.
     * @StreamTranslate(domain="anyDomain", childs=true)
    private ArrayCollection $anyStringPropertyNoKeyBasedExample;


use Johnkhansrc\ApiPlatformStreamTranslateBundle\Attribute\StreamTranslate;

 * @ApiResource
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=AnyEntityRepository::class)
class AnyEntity
     * @ORM\Id
    private $id;
     * Expect translation file anyDomain.xx.yaml who contain 'anykey' key
     #[StreamTranslate(domain: "anyDomain", key: "anyKey")]
    private string $anyStringPropertyKeyBasedExample;

     * Expect translation file anyDomain.xx.yaml who contain property value as key
     #[StreamTranslate(domain: "anyDomain")]
    private string $anyStringPropertyNoKeyBasedExample;

     * * * NEW ON 2.0.0 * * *
     * Iterate on each embed relation, don't forget do annotate related class properties.
     * Tips: You can use different domain on related class property's annotation.
     #[StreamTranslate(domain: "anyDomain", childs: true)]
    private ArrayCollection $anyStringPropertyNoKeyBasedExample;