
PHP runtime execute command library

1.0.2 2015-07-22 16:31 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-19 11:44:48 UTC


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PHP runtime execute command library


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist johnitvn/cli-runtime "*"

or add

"johnitvn/cli-runtime": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


  1. Create processor
$workingdir = 'path/to/working_dir';
$process = new johnitvn\cliruntime\CliRuntimeProcess($workingdir);

If you set working dir is null in CliRuntimeProcess constructor current working dir will be path of file call CliRuntimeProcess

  1. Run command without return and display ouput
$process->run('echo Hello');
  1. Run command with capture output
$output = array();
$process->runCapture('echo Hello',$output);

As example reference variable $ouput will get command output lines as array

  1. Run command with display out put
$process->runDisplayOutput('echo Hello');

runDisplayout() will be run command and display out

  1. Command Builder You can use johnitvn\cliruntime\CommandBuidler as utility for create command

Below is simple example with CommandBuilder:

$command = new johnitvn\cliruntime\CommandBuidler('echo');
$command->addParam('Hello world');
echo $command->getCommand();

and the result is:

echo Hello world

You can see below code snippet for understand how to use CommandBuilder class

$builder = new CommandBuidler('phpunit');
    ->addArgument('configuration', 'phpunit.xml')
echo $builder->getCommand();

And the result is:

phpunit TestCase.php -v --stop-on-failure --configuration=phpunit.xml
  1. CommandFinder (since version 1.0.2) You can use johnitvn\cliruntime\CommandFinder as utility for finder real path of command under system environment variable
use johnitvn\cliruntime\CommandFinder;
$realCommand = CommandFinder::findCommand('composer');
echo $realCommand;

And result look like: C:\\xampp\php\composer

You can see the class comment for more detail about usage