
A Laravel package containing a simple slack client

dev-main 2021-11-14 21:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 02:31:01 UTC


Just a simple Slack client in php

Quick reference

Here is an example of the slack attachment array being used for a message that sends a button to respond to an exception.

    $data = [
            "pretext" => $text,
            "fallback" => "{$text}\n{$exception->getTraceAsString()}",
            "callback_id" => "gen_task",
            "color" => "#3AA3E3",
            "attachment_type" => "default",
            "actions" => [
                    "name" => "task",
                    "text" => "Create Task",
                    "style" => "primary",
                    "type" => "button",
                    "value" => "create_task",
                    "confirm" => [
                            "title" => "Are you sure you want to generate a task?",
                            "ok_text" => "Yes",
                            "dismiss_text" => "No"
                    "name" => "stacktrace",
                    "text" => "Stacktrace",
                    "style" => "danger",
                    "type" => "button",
                    "value" => "see_stack",

Please see slacks documentation for more details on what is valid.

@todo - update documentation and update tests