
EzGeoDataGouv bundle helps interact with datagouv to import location and search them using tool

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eZ Geo Data Gouv project

This bundle has two usecases :

  • help import a csv location list and give geocoding functionnality based on
  • give a react search form with auto completion also based on geo data gouv

Contents will be imported in eZ Platform contents indexed by solr to help location proximiy search


This release is ment to be installed on eZ Platform 2.5 and Symfony 3.4

This bundle uses eZ Platform and Code Rhapsodie eZ Dataflow Bundle

composer require jlchassaing/ezgeodatagouv

in AppKernel.php add

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new Kaliop\eZMigrationBundle\EzMigrationBundle(),
        new CodeRhapsodie\DataflowBundle\CodeRhapsodieDataflowBundle(),
        new CodeRhapsodie\EzDataflowBundle\CodeRhapsodieEzDataflowBundle(),
        new eZGeoDataGouvBundle\EzGeoDataGouvBundle(),
        // ...

in routing.yml add the coderhapsody routing parameter

    resource: '@CodeRhapsodieEzDataflowBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml'

    resource: '@EzGeoDataGouvBundle/Resources/config/rest_routing.yml'
    prefix: '%ezpublish_rest.path_prefix%'

Create the new location content type

bin/console kaliop:migration:migrate --siteaccess=admin --path=vendor/jlchassaing/ezgeodatagouv/src/bundle/MigrationVersions/20200407105655_create_location_content_type.yml

how to import data

Set a resource

Resouces are set in a config.yml file

            do_geocoding: true|false
            content_type: content_type_identifier # content type where to import data
            language: import_language # should be eng-GB or fre-FR or any other language default is eng-GB
            id_key: csv_uniq_id_key
            name: csv_field_used_for_name
                longitude: longitude
                latitude: latitude
                address: csv_field_used_for_full_address
            fields: # if using a custom class identifier cet specific fields
                    datatype: ezurl
                    value: url
                    - commune # csv field to send for geo coding in geo.api.gouv
                    - voie
                postcode: code_postal 
                citycode: code_commune_insee
                    - result_label # set specific fields for result if not set default are longitude and latidue

The settings help set how the csv fields will be used. The ressoure name must be passed in option to the import script

The fields sections helps you add specific content_type fields. The key is the conten_type field identifier. the datatype is te content_type field datatype and value is the csv field name

running import

The import script alias is 'dtgi'

If you do not provide siteaccess parameter the default siteaccess will be used

The options to provide are :

  • the parent_location_id where contents will be added
  • the csv_source path where the csv source is can be online (for now the file must be semicolon field seperated and quotation marks)
  • resource name
bin/console code-rhapsodie:dataflow:execute --siteaccess=<siteaccess> dtgi  '{"parent-location-id":<locationId>,"csv-source":"<csvpath>","resource":"<resource_name>"}'

Proximity search

The eZ Rest api has been extended with a query that returns proximity points

there are 4 ways to call the perform the request :

  • /ez_geo_data_gouv/search/{longitude}/{latitude}
  • /ez_geo_data_gouv/search/{distance}/{longitude}/{latitude}
  • /ez_geo_data_gouv/search/{contentType}/{longitude}/{latitude}
  • /ez_geo_data_gouv/search/{contentType}/{distance}/{longitude}/{latitude}

The default contentType is "location" and the default distance is 5

Remember to use the ezpublish api request prefix Adding the Accept: application/vnd.ez.api.ContentList+json header to your request will return a json formated response.

The query will return a maximum of 5 answers

Extending to add a custom import manager

The DataGouvImportLocationsDataFlowType class can be extended

This could be necessary to execute some changes on the csv data before creating content.

Create a custom class that extends DataGouvImportLocationsDataFlowType and add methods :

    public function getLabel(): string
        return "My DataFlow";

    public function getAliases(): iterable
        return ['mydf'];

    protected function addFilterTask(DataflowBuilder $builder)
        $builder->addStep(function ($data){
            /** add here your code and return data or null to invalidate line */
            return $data;

Once the class is created declare it as a service and add tag coderhapsodie.dataflow.type

        - { name: coderhapsodie.dataflow.type }


  • add csv config
  • if no location parameters are given (longitude, latitude) the geocode before importing data
  • set a mapping configuration interface and only pass a configuration id to import script
  • add parameters to conactenate fields to build the adress field