
A simple Service Provider around lexik/form-filter-bundle to enable usage with Silex

dev-master 2014-04-27 18:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 12:54:20 UTC


Simple wrapper around lexik/form-filter-bundle to enable it to work with Silex


Through Composer as jesterofsky/form-filter-service-provider.


// Register Service Provider
$app->register(new Jesterofsky\FormFilterProvider\FormFilterServiceProvider());

Create a folder in your twig tempaltes folder (I'm using a folder named 'common' here).

Copy twig template form_div_layout.html.twig from vendor/form-filter-bundle/Lexik/Bundle/FormFilterBundle/Resources/views/Form to your your newly created folder and add the following to your twig configuration:

$app['twig.form.templates'] = array(

Usage in controller is almost the same as for the bundle in Symfony. The only difference is that your call the sevice with $app['lexik_form_filter.query_builder_updater']. Please see the documentation at lexik/form-filter-bundle for details.

Where the first element of the array is twig's default form templates file and the second one is our file. (There is probably a better way to do this, but this works for now).

Creating your own data_extraction_method

If you need to create your own data_extraction_method, the process is the same as for Symfony Bundle. The only difference is how to register new data_extraction_method as a service. Here instead of adding a definition to a service file, you would add:

// add this before registering the Service Provider itself
$app['form-filter.data_extraction_methods'] = array(new SampleExtractionMethod());


  1. Add support for force_case_insensitivity option
  2. Smarter way to load form template