
A simple CSV reader, to read as array/object with PHP Iterator

v1.0.3 2020-05-28 21:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:16:36 UTC


A simple CSV reader with PHP Iterator

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This package is an easy way to read CSV files. The CSV Reader will iterate over a CSV file with low memory usage.


  • Returns an array with keys from the headers.
  • Reads a specific line in the CSV file.
  • Skip the empty lines.
  • Reading a CSV file with an offset and/or limit.


Via Composer

$ composer require jeroenzwart/php-csv-iterator


This example is a part of the CSV file ./csv/movies.csv;

    Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace,1999,1,6.5
    Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones,2002,2,6.5 

To loop over each item in the CSV file, you will use the reader like this;

$csv = new \JeroenZwart\CsvIterator\CsvReader('../csv/movies.csv');
foreach ($csv as $line) {
    // Or do something with $line...
// The first dump will look like this
// class stdClass(4) {
//     public 'name' => string(42) "Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace"
//     public 'year_release' => string(4) "1999"
//     public 'order' => string(1) "1"
//     public 'imdb_rating' => string(3) "6.5"
// }

Or use one of the default iterator methods;

$csv = new \JeroenZwart\CsvIterator\CsvReader('../csv/movies.csv');
$line = $csv->next()->current();


  • filePath (string) - Path to the CSV file.
  • offset (integer 0) - The offset from start reading the CSV file.
  • limit (integer -1) - The limit to end reading the CSV file.
  • delimiter (string ,) - The delimiter character in the CSV file.
  • enclosure (string ") - The enclosure character in the CSV file.
  • escape (string \) - The escape character in the CSV file.
  • hasHeaders (boolean TRUE) - To set if the CSV file has a header, set FALSE if not.
  • asObject (boolean TRUE) - Return the lines of the CSV file as object, set FALSE as array.
  • keepEmptyLines (boolean FALSE) - Set TRUE for keeping an empty lines in the CSV file.


Offset and limit

Start reading with another position with offset and limit;

$csv = new CsvReader('../csv/actors.csv', 3, 5);
foreach ($csv as $line) {
    // Do something with $line...

Delimiter, enclose and escape

Read with another delimiter, enclose and escape;

$csv = new CsvReader('../csv/actors.csv');
foreach ($csv as $line) {
    // Do something with $line...

To get the current delimiter, enclosure or escape, you use $csv->delimiter()

Headers, asObject and empty

Ignore the headers in the CSV file and return array with regular keys, but keep empty lines;

$csv = new CsvReader('../csv/actors.csv');
foreach ($csv as $line) {
    // Do something with $line...

To get the headers of a CSV file as array, you use $csv->headers(). For getting the modes for settings asObject or empty, you can use $csv->asObject() or $csv->empty().


Load a line at a given position;

$csv = new CsvReader('../csv/actors.csv');

To get the current position of the iterator, you use $csv->position()

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see the license file for more information.