
Validates a password based on certain criteria.

1.1.2 2023-11-03 20:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-03 21:03:09 UTC


Build Status

This is a way to validate a password based on certain criteria into your Symfony application.

Install the package with:

$ composer require jblab/password-validator-bundle

And... that's it. If you're not using Symfony Flex, you'll also need to enable the Jblab\PasswordValidatorBundle\PasswordValidatorBundle in your AppKernel.php file.

In Symfony 3.4:

// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            // ... 
            new Jblab\PasswordValidatorBundle\PasswordValidatorBundle(),


This bundle provides a single service for validating passwords, which you can autowire by using the PasswordValidator type-hint:

// src/Controller/SomeController.php
use Jblab\PasswordValidatorBundle\PasswordValidator;
// ...
class SomeController
    public function index(PasswordValidator $passwordValidator)
        $isValid = $passwordValidator->validate('password');
        // ...

You can also access this service directly using the id jblab_password_validator.password_validator.


The password criteria can be configured directly by creating a new config/packages/jblab_password_validator.yaml file. The default values are:

# config/packages/jblab_password_validator.yaml

    # Minimum password length.
    minimum_length:       8

    # Maximum password length.
    maximum_length:       64

    # Whether or not to require a special character.
    require_special_character: true

    # Whether or not to require a uppercase letter.
    require_uppercase:    true

    # Whether or not to require a lowercase letter.
    require_lowercase:    true

    # Whether or not to require a number.
    require_number:       true

    # String containing all valid special characters
    special_character_set: '!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|'''

    # String containing all invalid characters
    excluded_character_set: null


Of course, open source is fueled by everyone's ability to give just a little bit of their time for the greater good. If you'd like to see a feature, awesome! You can request it - but creating a pull request is an even better way to get things done. Either way, please feel comfortable submitting issues or pull requests: all contributions and questions are warmly appreciated :).