
Stringizer is a PHP string manipulation library with support for method chaining and multibyte handling

2.14.1 2020-03-21 21:59 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 22:26:02 UTC



Stringizer is a PHP string manipulation library with support for method chaining and multibyte handling

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Monthly Downloads Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT

Basic Functions

String Functions


Stringizer is a string library made up of existing PHP multibyte-string functions and a variety of string manipulation solutions found on Stackoverflow.com. The intent is to save you time looking up string maninpulation solutions yourself and provide the convience of method chaining. Awarded the Innovation Award in June 2016 from PHPClasses.org.

PSR Compliance and Code Quality:

Key Highlights

  • Built in Multibyte support, where applicable and possible
  • Chaining of functions
  • In some case removing the hassle of you trying to figure out the right regex solution


Latest Stable Version


It's recommended that you use Composer to install Stringizer.

Manual install with composer

$ composer require jasonlam604/stringizer "^2.14.0"

Using the composer.json file

"require": {
    "jasonlam604/stringizer": "^2.14.0"

This will install Stringizer and all required dependencies. Stringizer requires PHP 5.6.0 or newer.


Sample usage:


// Composer Autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Stringizer\Stringizer;

$s = new Stringizer("myapp");


// The following outputs: myapp/
echo $s->getString(); 


To execute the test suite, you'll need phpunit.

$ phpunit

Submit Issues

Feel free to open any Issues, Bugs or suggestions!


Accepting Pull-Requests!



The Stringizer is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.

String Functions


Bae64 decode string

$s = new Stringizer("44GT44KT44Gr44Gh44Gv");
$s->base64Decode(); // こんにちは

Base64 Encode String

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->base64Encode(); // yJjFpsWXw43DscSdw6x6xJXFlQ==

Extracts a string between left and right strings.

$s = new Stringizer("<div>ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ</div>");
$s->between("<div>", "</div>"); // ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ

Removes any underscores or dashes and converts a string into camel case.

$s = new Stringizer("data_rate");
$s->camelize(); // dataRate

Converts Camel case to Snake Case.

$s = new Stringizer("helloSŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->camelToSnake(); // hello_sŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ

Obtain character at specific position in a string where the first position is consider 0.

$s = new Stringizer("Foo Bar Fizz Buzz");
$s->charAt(4); // B

Return the given string as an array where each index contains a character.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->chars(); // an array made up 10 indexes ["Ș","Ŧ","ŗ","Í","ñ","ĝ","ì","z","ĕ","ŕ"]
$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->charAt(1); // Ŧ
$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->charAt(0); // S

Deprecated - Removes prefix from start of string.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->chompLeft("ȘŦŗÍñĝ"); // ìzĕŕ

Deprecated - Removes suffix from start of string.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->chompRight("ìzĕŕ"); // ȘŦŗÍñĝ

Removes prefix from start of string.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->chopLeft("ȘŦŗÍñĝ"); // ìzĕŕ

Removes suffix from start of string.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->chopRight("ìzĕŕ"); // ȘŦŗÍñĝ

Remove extra whitespace, leave only one whitespace between characters where there is more then one whitespace value.

$s = new Stringizer(""ȘŦŗÍñĝ\n\nìzĕŕ \n\t    \r"");
$s->concat("collapseWhitespace") // ȘŦŗÍñĝ ìzĕŕ

Combine string values.

Combine at end of the string.

$s = new Stringizer("fizz");
$s->concat(" buzz") // fizz buzz

Combine at the beginning of the string by passing in the boolean value true in the optional second parameter.

$s = new Stringizer(" buzz");
$s->concat("fizz",true) // fizz buzz

Search for string within another string, return true if found else return false

$s = new Stringizer("fizz buzz foo bar");
$s->contains("buzz"); // true
$s = new Stringizer("fizz buzz foo bar");
$s->contains("Buzz"); // false, case sensitive
$s = new Stringizer("fizz buzz foo bar");
$s->containsIncaseSensitive("Buzz"); // true, case insensitive

Count the number of string occurrences

$s = new Stringizer("fizz buzz fizz buzz fizz buzz");
$s->containsCount("buzz"); // 3
$s = new Stringizer("fizz buzz fizz buzz fizz buzz");
$s->containsCount("nomatch"); // 0
$s = new Stringizer("fizz buzz foo bar");
$this->assertEquals(0, $s->containsCount("BUZZ")); // 0, case sensitive no match found
$s = new Stringizer("fizz buzz foo bar");
$s->containsCountIncaseSensitive("BUZZ"); // 1, case in-sensitive 1 match found
$s = new Stringizer("文字列のそれ 文字列のそれ 文字列のそれ 文字列のそれ");
$this->assertEquals(4, $s->containsCount("")); // 4

Break up a camelize string and seperate with dashes

$s = new Stringizer("dataRate");
$s->dasherize(); // data-rate

Delete runes in str matching the pattern, similiar to the delete string feature in Ruby

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz 列Fizz列 Fizz");
$s->delete(""); //Fizz Fizz Fizz

Checks if a string ends with the given suffix.

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz");
$s->endsWith("zz"); // true
$s = new Stringizer("文字列のそれ");
$s->endsWith(""); // true
$s = new Stringizer("文字列のそれ");
$s->endsWith("れれれれ"); // false

Ensure string starts with prefix

$s = new Stringizer("/myapp");
$s->ensureLeft("/"); //  /myapp

Ensure string ends with suffix

$s = new Stringizer("/myapp");
$s->ensureRight("/"); //  /myapp/

Grabs a section from the beginning of the string, the size of the section is determine by the given indicated value.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->first(6); // ȘŦŗÍñĝ

Determine the hashcode of a string, algorithm matches the hashCode method available in a Java String class

$s = new Stringizer("Hello, World");
$s->hashCode(); // -505841268

Checks if value is contains only lowercase values.

$s = new Stringizer("stŗiñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->hasLowercase()); // true
$s = new Stringizer("sTŗiñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->hasLowercase()); // false

Checks if value is contains only uppercase values.

$s = new Stringizer("STÃÑ");
$s->hasUppercase()); // true
$s = new Stringizer("StÃÑ");
$s->hasUppercase()); // false

Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another.

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->indexOf("Foo"); // 10

If no match is found boolean false is returned.

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->indexOf("bad"); // false

There is a second optional parameter, position offset where to begin the search where left most value is index 0.

$s = new Stringizer("Foo Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->indexOf("Foo", 0); // 0, since offset starts at zero the first Foo is found at index 0
$s->indexOf("Foo", 1); // 9, since offset is past zero the next available match is at index 9


$s = new Stringizer("fòô bàř");
$s->indexOf("bàř"); // 4

Case In-sensitive

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->indexOfCaseInsensitive("foo"); // 10

Checks if value contains valid ASCII values only. Optional parameter to allow only printable characters

$s = new Stringizer("abcdefghi....12334567890....ABC..XY!!!@#$%^&*()_+=-<>?:;/.,~][}{\|'");
$s->isAscii(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("\x19test\x7F");
$s->isAscii(); // true
$s->isAscii(true); // false

Checks if value is contains alpha values only.

$s = new Stringizer("FooBar");
$s->isAlpha(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("Foo Bar");
$s->isAlpha(); // false

Checks if value is contains alphanumeric values only

$s = new Stringizer("F00Bar");
$s->isAlphaNumeric(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("F00 Bar");
$s->isAlphaNumeric(); // false

Checks if value is contains alphanumeric values only including space(s).

$s = new Stringizer("F00 Bar");
$s->isAlphaNumericSpace(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("F00 Bar !");
$s->isAlphaNumericSpace(); // false

Checks if value is contains alphanumeric values only including space(s) and dash(es).

$s = new Stringizer("Marie-Anne Lucy");
$s->isAlphaNumericSpaceDash(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("Marie-Ann Lucy!");
$s->isAlphaNumericSpaceDash(); // false

Checks if value is a valid Base64 string

// Decoded value is ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ
$s = new Stringizer("yJjFpsWXw43DscSdw6x6xJXFlQ==");
$s->isBase64(); // true

Checks if value is blank (alias to isEmpty), if string contains whitespace only it is considered empty.

$s = new Stringizer("\n  \n\r\t   ");
$s->isBlank(); // true

Checks if value is valid date based on the PHP function strtotime.

Requirement, default timezone must be set first

$s = new Stringizer("2015-03-15");
$s->isDate(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("January 1st");
$s->isDate(); // true

Checks if value is contains decimal value, whole numbers are considered valid.

$s = new Stringizer("19.99");
$s->isDecimal(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("19");
$s->isDecimal(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("19x");
$s->isDecimal(); // false

Checks if value is a valid email.

$s = new Stringizer("John.Doe@fake.com");
$s->isEmail(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("John.Doe@fake@.com");
$s->isEmail(); // false

Checks if value is empty, if string contains whitespace only it is considered empty.

$s = new Stringizer("\n  \n\r\t   ");
$s->isEmpty(); // true

Checks if value is empty, if string contains whitespace only it is considered empty.

$s = new Stringizer("3ca25ae354e192b26879f651a51d92aa8a34d8d3");
$s->isHash("sha1"); // true
$s->isHash("Tiger160"); // true
$this->assertEquals(true, $s->isHash("sha256"); // true
$this->assertEquals(true, $s->isHash("sha384"); // true
$this->assertEquals(true, $s->isHash("sha512"); // true
$this->assertEquals(true, $s->isHash("tiger192"); // true


Checks if value is valid Hex Color.

$s = new Stringizer("CCDDEE");
$s->isHexColor(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("#CCDDEE");
$s->isHexColor(); // false
$s = new Stringizer("ZZZZZZ");
$s->isHexColor(); // false


Checks if value is hexdecimal.

$s = new Stringizer("AB10BC99");
$s->isHexDecimal(); // true

Determines if value is valid ISBN10

$s = new Stringizer("ISBN:0-306-40615-2");
$s->isIsbn10() // true

Determines if value is valid ISBN13

$s = new Stringizer("ISBN:979-1-090-63607-1");
$s->isIsbn13() // true

Checks if value is a valid IP, IPv4.

$s = new Stringizer("");
$s->isIpv4() // true

Checks if value is a valid IP, IPv6.

$s = new Stringizer("2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652");
$s->isIpv6() // true

Determines if value is valid JSON

$s = new Stringizer("{\"foo\" : {
 \"bar\" : \"Hello\",
 \"baz\" : [ \"quuz\", \"norf\" ]
$s->isJson() // true

Checks if value is a whole number, can be a negative number but can not be a decimal number.

$s = new Stringizer("1234");
$s->isNumber() // true

Checks if value is MultiByte

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->isMultiByte() // true
$s = new Stringizer("Stringizer");
$s->isMultiByte() // false

Checks if value is valid Latitude value

$s = new Stringizer("37.138");
$s->isLatitude() // true
$s = new Stringizer("-91");
$s->isLatitude() // false

Checks if value is valid Longitude value

$s = new Stringizer("190");
$s->isLongitude() // true
$s = new Stringizer("191");
$s->isLongitude() // false

Checks if value is valid RGB Color

$s = new Stringizer("rgb(255,255,255)");
$s->isRgbColor() // true

Checks if value is a valid semver format, see http://semver.org/

$s = new Stringizer("FooBar");
$s->isSemver(); // false
$s = new Stringizer("1.0.0");
$s->isSemver(); // true

$s->isSemver(); // true

$s->isSemver(); // true
$s = new Stringizer("1.0");
$s->isAlpha(); // false

Checks if value is contains a valid URL

$s = new Stringizer("https://github.com");
$s->isUrl(); // true

Concatenates the elements of a to create a single string. The separator string sep is placed between elements in the resulting string. If there is an existing value it is over-written. Default seperator is a comma, if no separator is required then use a blank string.

Uses default separator a comma

$s = new Stringizer("original-string-overwritten");
$s->join(array("Hello","World","Again")); // Hello,World,Again

Uses a pipe as the separator

$s = new Stringizer("");
$s->join(array("","","","",""), "|") // こ|ん|に|ち|は

No separator, use of a blank strinng

$s = new Stringizer("");
$s->join(array("","","","",""), "") // こんにちは

Grabs a section from the end of the string, the size of the section is determine by the given indicated value.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->last(4); // ìzĕŕ


Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another

$s = new Stringizer("Foo Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->lastIndexOf("Foo"); // 9

If no match is found boolean false is returned.

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->lastIndexOf("bad"); // false

There is a second optional parameter, position offset where to begin the search where left most value is index 0.

$s = new Stringizer("Foo Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->lastIndexOf("Foo", 0); // 9 
$s->lastIndexOf("Foo", 4)); // 9
$s->lastIndexOf("Foo", 10)); // false


$s = new Stringizer("fòô bàř fòô bàř fòô bàř");
$s->lastIndexOf("fòô"); // 16

Case In-sensitive

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->lastIndexOf("foo"); //false
$s->lastIndexOfCaseInsensitive("foo"); // 10


Find the length of the string

$s = new Stringizer("FizzBuzz");
$s->length(); // 8


$s = new Stringizer("キラキラした");
$s->length(); // 6


Count the number of lines based line feed, \n.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ\nȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ\nȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->lineCount(); // 2


Ensure the string is entirely lower case

$s = new Stringizer("FiZZ");
$s->lowercase(); // fizz


First letter of the string is lower cased

$s = new Stringizer("FiZz");
$s->lowercaseFirst(); // fIZZ


Pad string on both sides with indicated value

Padding with an even amount

$s = new Stringizer("fizz");
$s->padBoth("x", 10); // xxxfizzxxx

Padding with an odd amount, the extra character is addded to the end of the string

$s = new Stringizer("fizz");
$s->padBoth("x", 11); // xxxfizzxxxx


Pad string on left side with indicated string value and number of times to pad with

$s = new Stringizer("10");
$s->padLeft("0", 5); // 00010


Pad string on right side with indicated string value and number of times to pad with

$s = new Stringizer("Alien");
$this->assertEquals("Alien     ", $s->padRight(" ", 10)); // "Alien     " 


Generate a random alpha value, default length of 10 characters.

$s = new Stringizer("");
$s->randomAlpha(); // aYvPXitjCJ
$s = new Stringizer("");
$s->randomAlpha(20); // cmbOUofxAvWeyMGgPHK


Generate a random string value containing only numeric values, default length of 10 characters. It is important to note this is a string value because otherwise if a value with leading zeros such as 0123456789 would then be 123456789 as type int; but, then would not be length of 10 characters (or the desired indicated expected length)

$s = new Stringizer("");
$s->randomNumeric(); // 8277761361


Generate a random alphanumeric value, default length of 10 characters.

$s = new Stringizer("");
$s->randomAlphanumeric(); // w5quanvlUP


Returns a string repeated n times.

$s = new Stringizer("FizzöBuzz");
$s->repeat(2); // FizzöBuzzFizzöBuzz
$s = new Stringizer("");
$s->repeat(5); // こここここ


Replace characters with accents with the same character without accents.

$s = new Stringizer("FizzöBuzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzzé");
$s->replaceAccents(); // FizzoeBuzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzze
$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->replaceAccents(); // STrIngizer


Remove non Ascii characters

$s = new Stringizer("FizzöBuzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzzé");
$s->removeNonAscii(); // FizzBuzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz


Remove any whitespace from the string (before, after and any in between)

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz");
$s->removeWhitespace(); // FizzBuzzFizzBuzzFizzBuzz
$s = new Stringizer(" Ș Ŧ ŗ Í ñ ĝ ì z ĕ ŕ ");
$s->removeWhitespace(); // ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ


Match and replace string(s)

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz");
$s->replace("Buzz", "Bar"); // Fizz Bar Fizz Bar Fizz Bar

Multiple replace

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz");
$s->replace(array("Fizz","Buzz"), array("Foo","Bar")); // Foo Bar Foo Bar Foo Bar

No Match NOT Case-Insensitive

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz");
$s->replace("buzz", "bar"); // Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz

Match Case-Insensitive

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz");
$s->replaceIncaseSensitive("buzz", "bar"); // Fizz bar Fizz bar Fizz bar


$s = new Stringizer("Fizz列Buzz列Fizz列Buzz列Fizz列Buzz");
$s->replace("", " "); // Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz


$s = new Stringizer("mood");
$s->reverse(); // doom


$s = new Stringizer("文字列のそれ");
$s->reverse(); // れその列字文


Count the number of sentences based sentences ending with one the following: . ! or ?

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ jumped over the stringy stick. ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ jumped over the stringy stick again!  Or did it?");
$s->sentenceCount(); // 3


Explode string into an array default delimiter is comma

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz");
$array = $s->split(" "); // array( 0 => "Fizz", 1 => "Buzz")
$s = new Stringizer("文字列のそれ");
$array = $s->split(""); // array( 0 => "文字列", 1 => "それ)

Checks if a string starts with the specified suffix.

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz");
$s->startsWith("Fizz B"); // true
$s = new Stringizer("文字列のそれ");
$s->startsWith(""); // true
$s = new Stringizer("文字列のそれ");
$s->startsWith("文文文文"); // false


Remove all of the punctuation

$s = new Stringizer("Hello World! It's me #stringizer");
$s->stripPunctuation(); // Hello World Its me stringizer
$s = new Stringizer("*-=!'\",?!Hello* World][");
$s->stripPunctuation(); // Hello World


Remove HTML and PHP tags from a string

$s = new Stringizer("<html>Hello</html>");
$s->stripTags(); // Hello
$s = new Stringizer("<html><b>こんにちは世界</b></html>");
$s->stripTags(); // こんにちは世界

Optional second paramter to ignore tags (tags not to be to removed)

$s = new Stringizer("<html>Hello <b>World</b></html>");
$s->stripTags("<b>"); // Hello <b>World</b>
$s = new Stringizer("<html><head><title>title</title></head><body>Hello <b><span class='fake-class'>World</span></b> こんにちは世界</body></html>");
$s->stripTags(); // titleHello World こんにちは世界


Find a portion of a string based on postioning (index position in the string) and length of the portion

$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->subString(0, 4); // Fizz
$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->subString(5, 4)); // Buzz
$s = new Stringizer("Fizz Buzz Foo Bar");
$s->subString(5, 4)); // Buzz


$s = new Stringizer("キラキラした キラキラした");
$s->subString(7); // キラキラした


Swap the case of each character.

$s = new Stringizer("hELLO wORLD");
$s->swapCase(); // Hello World


Converts a logical truth string to boolean.

(new Stringizer(true))->toBoolean(); // true
(new Stringizer(false))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer("stringizer"))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer("true"))->toBoolean(); // true
(new Stringizer("false"))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer("TRUE"))->toBoolean(); // true
(new Stringizer("FALSE"))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer("on"))->toBoolean(); // true
(new Stringizer("off"))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer("ON"))->toBoolean(); // true
(new Stringizer("OFF"))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer("yes"))->toBoolean(); // true
(new Stringizer("no"))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer("YES"))->toBoolean(); // true
(new Stringizer("NO"))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer(""))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer(null))->toBoolean(); // false
(new Stringizer(1))->toBoolean(); // true
(new Stringizer(-1))->toBoolean(); // false


Remove whitespace both right and left side of the string

$s = new Stringizer("\x20\x20\x20   キラキラしたfizzخالد الشمعة   ");
$s->trim(); // キラキラしたfizzخالد الشمعة


Remove whitespace left of the string

$s = new Stringizer("\x20\x20\x20   キラキラしたfizzخالد الشمعة   ");
$s->trimLeft()); // キラキラしたfizzخالد الشمعة   


Remove whitespace right of the string

$s = new Stringizer("\x20\x20\x20   キラキラしたfizzخالد الشمعة   ");
$s->trimRight(); // \x20\x20\x20   キラキラしたfizzخالد الشمعة


Shorten right side of string by the specified indicated amount

$s = new Stringizer("fòô bàř");
$s->truncate(4); // fòô
$s = new Stringizer("FizzBuzz");
$s->truncate(4); // Fizz


Shorten string left or right side if given substring is match

$s = new Stringizer("fòô bàř");
$s->truncateMatch(" bàř"); // fòô
$s = new Stringizer("FizzBuzzFooBar");
$s->truncateMatch("Foo"); // FizzBuzz

Case In-sensitive

$s = new Stringizer("FizzBuzzFooBar");
$s->truncateMatchCaseInsensitive("foo"); // FizzBuzz


Ensure entire string is uppercase

$s = new Stringizer("fIzz");
$s->uppercase(); // FIZZ


Ensure entire string is uppercase

$s = new Stringizer("fizz buzz foo bar");
$s->uppercaseWords(); // Fizz Buzz Foo Bar

Find the width of the string this is different then length for multibyte strings

$s = new Stringizer("キラキラした");
$s->width(); // 12, note multi-byte characters take up more space, typice 2 for each character
$s = new Stringizer("FizzBuzz");
$s->length(); // 8


Count the number of words.

$s = new Stringizer("ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ こんにちは ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ こんにちは ȘŦŗÍñĝìzĕŕ");
$s->wordCount(); // 5

Basic Functions


Setting the string you want to apply string manipulations on, this will set the orginal value as well.

$s = new Stringizer("dummy-value");

#### getstring

Retrieve the string in its most current state

$s = new Stringizer("dummy-value");


Retrieve the string state prior to any string manipulations

$s = new Stringizer("dummy-value");


Retrieve the string in its most current state

$s = new Stringizer("dummy-value");
echo ($s); // this will output current state, defaults to using the PHP built __toString method


Set encoding, behind the scences PHP function mb_internal_encoding is applied

$s = new Stringizer("dummy-value");
$s->getEncoding(); // UTF-8


$s = new Stringizer("dummy-value");
$s->getEncoding(); // Outputs your default encoding based mb_internal_encoding