Service class for executing shell commands using symfony/process, heavily inspired by the CommandLine class in laravel/valet.

1.1.0 2022-02-28 21:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:37:16 UTC


Interface and implementation of a CLI Service class for executing shell commands with php, using symfony/process and symfony/console, heavily inspired by the CommandLine class from laravel/valet.

Getting Started


  • PHP ^8.0
  • Composer * (but preferred 2.2 or later)


composer require jascha030/cli


The package contents consist mostly of one simple service class implementing an interface. Next to that there are also some derivatives of these classes and interfaces.


The main interface is the Jascha030\CLI\Shell\ShellInterface, which requires a class to implement four methods.

interface ShellInterface
     * Run a shell command.
    public function run(string $command, ?string $cwd = null, ?callable $onError = null): string;

     * Run a shell command with sudo user capabilities.
    public function runAsUser(string $command, ?string $cwd = null, ?callable $onError = null): string;

     * Run a shell command without writing output to the STDOUT or php.
    public function quietly(string $command, ?string $cwd = null, ?callable $onError = null): void;

     * Run a shell command with sudo user capabilities,  without writing output to the STDOUT or php.
    public function quietlyAsUser(string $command, ?string $cwd = null, ?callable $onError = null): void;

Default Implementation

This package also provides class as most-basic implementation of the Jascha030\CLI\Shell\ShellInterface, The Jascha030\CLI\Shell\Shell class. This class implements all four methods.

All four methods use the Shell::runCommand method, which is also directly available.

public function runCommand(string $command, ?string $cwd = null, ?callable $onError = null): string;

Below is a simple example of basic usage of the class


use Jascha030\CLI\Shell\Shell;

 * Include Composer's autoloader. 
include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$shell = new Shell();
// The console command's output is returned by the run method, as string.
echo $shell->run("`which php` -v");

The above outputs the following

PHP 8.0.16 (cli) (built: Feb 18 2022 09:31:10) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.0.16, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Xdebug v3.1.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2021, by Derick Rethans
    with Zend OPcache v8.0.16, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

Note: this example output is specific to your environment, the specific version and extensions are, of-course dependent on your own environment.

Execute a command silently


Executing commands as sudo user

// This acts as if you run your command prepended by sudo.

// Which also can be done silently.

All the methods, demonstrated above take the optional $cwd (string) and $onError (callable) parameters.

The $cwd command, allows you to execute a command from another directory.

// Runs the command two directories above the current script's directory.
$shell->run($command, dirname(__FILE__, 3));

The $onError is a callback that can be passed to handle command failure.

Both these parameters are directly passed to the Process::fromShellCommandline() method, for more info, refer to the documentation of symfony's Process component.

Shell program binaries

If you are writing a CLI based around a commandline program which comes as executable binary, you can implement the Jascha030\CLI\Shell\Binary\BinaryInterface. These are just extensions on the ShellInterface, requiring you to provide a name, a version, and a path to the binary.

interface BinaryInterface extends ShellInterface
    public function getName(): string;

    public function getPath(): string;

    public function getVersion(): ?string;

To kickstart implementation, various Traits are available, together with an abstract class:

  • Jascha030\CLI\Shell\Binary\BinaryAbstract Simple implementation of the three BinaryInterface methods, which values are provided through the constructor.
  • Jascha030\CLI\Shell\Binary\Traits\ShellDecoratorTrait The easiest way to implement the rest of the methods required by the ShellInterface, by delegating the commands to another instance of the ShellInterface, provided through the abstract ShellDecoratorTrait::getShell() method.
  • Jascha030\CLI\Shell\Binary\Traits\SelfResolvingPathTrait, For when the path to a binary can be provided by using the which, command (e.g. which php).
  • Jascha030\CLI\Shell\Binary\Traits\SelfResolvingVersionTrait, For when the version of a binary can be provided by using a command.
    • Defaults to -v, but can be overridden, by overloading the SelfResolvingVersionTrait::getVersionCommand() method.
    • By default, it will match the output of the provided version command to a regex pattern (/\\d{1,2}\\.\\d{1,2}\\.\\d{1,2}/), this can be overridden by overloading the SelfResolvingVersionTrait::getVersionRegex() method. When this method returns null it will skip the regex matching, and use the command's full output.


A set of helper functions is included in includes/helper.php under the Jascha030\Cli\Helpers namespace.

Get user, or sudo user when available.

\Jascha030\CLI\Helpers\user(): ?string;

Output a message to the console.

\Jascha030\CLI\Helpers\output(string $message, ?OutputInterface $output = null): void;

Output an error to the console.

\Jascha030\CLI\Helpers\error(string $message, ?OutputInterface $output = null): void;

Output an info message to the console.

\Jascha030\CLI\Helpers\info(string $message, ?OutputInterface $output = null): void;

Output a multiline message to the console.

\Jascha030\CLI\Helpers\multilineOutput(array $message, ?OutputInterface $output = null): void;

Output a multiline error to the console.

\Jascha030\CLI\Helpers\multilineError(array $message, ?OutputInterface $output = null): void;

Output a multiline info message to the console.

\Jascha030\CLI\Helpers\multilineInfo(array $message, ?OutputInterface $output = null): void;


Clone this repo, and run composer install inside the repo.


A code-style is provided in the form of a php-cs-fixer configuration in .php-cs-fixer.dist.php. For easy execution, use the provided Composer script command.

composer run format

If you have php-cs-fixer installed globally, pass it to the --config argument of the fix command.

php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php


A configuration for phpunit is provided in phpunit.xml.

For easy execution, use the provided Composer script command.

composer run phpunit

If you have phpunit installed globally, and want to use that, pass the config in the --config argument.

phpunit --config phpunit.xml

of the CommandLine class of the laravel/valet package.

Next to that, it obviously makes heavy use of various Symfony components, which makes your life as a php-developer a lot easier in many cases. For one, by not having to re-invent the wheel. And also, the usage of Symfony components, in almost every case guarantees, at least some level of interoperability with most other php frameworks, libraries and of-course composer.


This composer package is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License