
Is a simple PHP Class templating library.

v1.0.2 2021-05-02 07:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 21:58:32 UTC


Is a simple PHP Class templating library.

Getting Started

  1. You can install via composer.
composer require jameslevi/stencil
  1. If not using any framework, paste the following code at the upper part of your project to load the composer autoload mechanism.

    require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
  1. Basic implementations.

use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Stencil;

// Instantiate a new Stencil object.
$php = new Stencil("UserController");

// Declare the namespace of the PHP class.

// Indicate the class name of the PHP class.

// Extend to a parent class.

// Generate the PHP file.
$php->generate(__DIR__ . "/");

The code above will generate PHP file with content like this.


namespace App\Controller;

class UserController extends Controller

Import Class Implementation

You can use "use" method to import classes in to your template.


You can also set alias for your imported class to avoid naming conflict.

$php->use("Carbon\Carbon", "MyDateTime");

This command will generate code like this.

use Carbon\Carbon as MyDateTime;

Extend Classes

You can extend class using "extends" method. Just make sure you imported your parent class.

// Import the carbon class and use the alias MyDateTime.
$php->use("Carbon\Carbon", "MyDateTime");

// Extend MyDateTime to the class.

Implement Interfaces

You can implement one or more interface classes using "implement" method.

// Declare the class name.

// Import your interfaces.

// Implement the interfaces.

The example above will generate code like this.

use MyInterface1;
use MyInterface2;

class MyClass implements MyInterface1, MyInterface2

Abstract Class

You can set your class as an abstract class.

// Declare the class name.

// Set class as an abstract class.

The example above will generate code like this.

abstract class MyAbstractClass

Raw Content

You can add content in each line using "raw" method. You can use "setIndention" method to set tab spaces in the beginning of each line.

// Declare class name.


// Add new raw line.
$php->raw("private $my_property1;");
$php->raw("private $my_property2;");

The example above will generate code like this.

class MyClass
    private $my_property1;
    private $my_property2;

Line Breaks

You can add single line break using "lineBreak" method.


You can also make multiple line breaks by providing the first argument.



You can declare constant values in your class using "addConstant" method.

$php->addConstant("PI", 3.14);

The example above will generate code like this.

const PI = 3.14;


You can declare class variables with public, private and protected visibility.

$php->addVariable("name", "public", "Juan Dela Cruz");
$php->addVariable("nickname", "private");

The above example will generate code like this.

public $name = "Juan Dela Cruz";
private $nickname;

Non-Static Variables

Variables that are only accessible when class is instantiated.

// Add public variable.
$php->addPublicVariable("name", "Juan Dela Cruz");

// Add private variable.
$php->addPrivateVariable("age", 30);

// Add protected variable.

The above example will generate code like this.

public $name = "Juan Dela Cruz";
private $age = 30;
protected $bank_id;

Static Variables

Variables that are accessible even without instantiating a class.

// Add public static variable.
$php->addPublicStaticVariable("name", "Juan Dela Cruz");

// Add private static variable.
$php->addPrivateStaticVariable("age", 30);

// Add protected static variable.

The above example will generate code like this.

public static $name = "Juan Dela Cruz";
private static $age = 30;
protected static $bank_id;

Single Line Comment

You can add single line comment using "addLineComment" method.

$php->addLineComment("This is a single line comment.");

The above example will generate code like this.

// This is a single line comment.

Block Comment for Variables

You also add multi-line comments using "addComment" method.

use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Comment;

// Add variable comment.
$php->addComment(Comment::makeVar("string", "The name of the author of stencil."));

// Add new public variable.
$php->addPublicVariable("name", "James Levi Crisostomo");

The above example will generate code like this.

 * The name of the author of stencil.
 * @var string
public $name = "James Levi Crisostomo";

Method Functions

You can add methods for your class using "addMethod" method.

// Import method class.
use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Method;

// Instantiate a new method object.
$method = new Method("addUser");

// Add the new method in your template.

The above example will generate code like this.

public function addUser()

Static Methods

You can also set if method is static using "setAsStatic" method.

// Import method class.
use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Method;

// Instantiate a new method object.
$method = new Method("addUser");

// Set method as static.

// Add the new method in your template.

The above example will generate code like this.

public static function addUser()

Method Arguments

You can add multiple arguments in your method using "addParam" method.

// Import method class.
use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Method;

// Instantiate a new method object.
$method = new Method("addUser");

// Add method parameters.
$method->addParam("b", 1, "int");

// Add the new method in your template.

The above example will generate code like this.

public function addUser($a, int $b = 1)

Method Content

You can add content in to your method using "raw" method.

// Import method class.
use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Method;

// Instantiate a new method object.
$method = new Method("addUser");

// Set the indention in the beginning of each line.

// Set the raw content.
$method->raw("return null;");

// Add new method in your template.

The above example will generate code like this.

public function addUser()
    return null;

Abstract Method

You can also add abstract method in to your abstract class using "setAsAbstract" method.

// Import method class.
use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Method;

// Instantiate a new method object.
$method = new Method("addUser");

// Set method as an abstract method.

// Add new method in your template.

The above example will generate code like this.

abstract public function addUser();

Block Comments for Methods

You can add block comments using "addComment" method.

// Import comment and method class.
use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Comment;
use Graphite\Component\Stencil\Method;

// Instantiate a new method comment object.
$comment = Comment::makeMethod("This comment is for adding user method.");

// Set the method parameters.

// Set the return data type of the method.

// Instantiate a new method object.
$method = Method::makePublic("addUser");

// Set the method parameters.

// Set the indention value.

// Set the return value of the method.
$method->raw("return 'Hello World';");

// Add the comment in your template.

// Add the new method in your template.

The above example will generate code like this.

 * This comment is for adding user method.
 * @param  int $x
 * @param  int $y
 * @return string
public function addUser(int $x, int $y)
    return 'Hello World';

Constructor Method

You can also add constructor to your class using "makeConstructor" static method.


The above example will generate code like this.

public function __construct($a)


For issues, concerns and suggestions, you can email James Crisostomo via nerdlabenterprise@gmail.com.


This package is an open-sourced software licensed under MIT License.