
Is a simple library that provides common string functions not natively provided by PHP.

v1.0.1 2021-05-03 15:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 05:48:45 UTC


Is a simple library that provides common string functions not natively provided by PHP.


  1. You can install via composer.
composer require jameslevi/string
  1. If you are not using any PHP framework, just paste this code at the upper part of your code to include composer autoload mechanism in your project.

    require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
  1. You can now use all functions included from this library.

str_equals(string $string, mixed $match)

Make comparison between two strings.

// Returns true because "hello" matches one of the word inside array.
str_equals("hello", array(

str_starts_with(string $string, mixed $match)

Determine if string starts with the match string.

str_starts_with("hello", "h") // Returns true because hello starts with an h.

str_ends_with(string $string, mixed $match)

Determine if string ends with the match string.

// Returns false because @email.com is not included from the array.
str_ends_with("foo@email.com", array(

str_remove(string $string, mixed $search)

Remove all matched character from the string.

str_remove("hello world", "l") // Returns "heo word".

str_move(string $string, int $start, int $end = 0)

Remove one or more characters from one or both side of the string.

str_move("hello world", 1, 2) // Returns "ello wor".

str_move_left(string $string, int $count)

Remove one or more characters from the left side of the string.

str_move_left("hello world", 3) // Returns "lo world".

str_move_right(string $string, int $count)

Remove one or more characters from the right side of the string.

str_move_right("hello world", 2) // Returns "hello wor".

str_count_numeric(string $string)

Count the number of occurences of numeric characters in string.

str_count_numeric("hello world 123") // Returns "3".

str_count_uppercase_letter(string $string)

Count the number of occurences of uppercase letters in string.

str_count_uppercase_letter("Hello World") // Returns "2".

str_count_lowercase_letter(string $string)

Count the number of occurences of lowercase letters in string.

str_count_lowercase_letter("Hello World") // Returns "8".

str_count_letter(string $string)

Count the number of occurences of letters in string.

str_count_letter("Hello World") // Returns "10".

str_count_line(string $string)

Count the number of lines in string.

str_count_line("Hello World") // Returns "1".

str_count_spaces(string $string)

Count the number of spaces in string.

str_count_spaces("Hello World") // Returns "1".

str_count_special_chars(string $string)

Count the number of special characters in string.

str_count_special_chars("Hello World!!!") // Returns "3".

str_count_words(string $string)

Count the number of words in a string.

str_count_words("Hello World") // Returns "2".

str_words(string $string)

Return list of words from the string.

str_words("Hello World") 

This function will return

  [0] => "Hello"
  [1] => "World"

str_contains(string $string, mixed $keywords)

Test if string contains one or more word or characters.

str_contains("Hello World", "Hello") // Returns true.

str_break(string $string, string $delimeter)

Break a string into just two segments.

str_break("Hello World", " ")

This function will return

  [0] => "Hello"
  [1] => "World"

str_is_upper(string $string)

Determine if string is in uppercase.

str_is_upper("hello world") // Returns false.
str_is_upper("Hello World") // Returns false.
str_is_upper("HELLO WORLD") // Returns true.

str_is_lower(string $string)

Determine if string is in lowercase.

str_is_lower("hello world") // Returns true.
str_is_lower("Hello World") // Returns false.
str_is_lower("HELLO WORLD") // Returns false.

str_uppercase(string $string, int $position)

Make a letter uppercase by position number.

str_uppercase("hello world", 0) // Returns "Hello world".

str_lowercase(string $string, int $position)

Make a letter lowercase by position number.

str_lowercase("Hello World", 6) // Returns "Hello world".

str_to_camel(string $string)

Convert group of words into camel case.

str_to_camel("Hello World") // Returns "helloWorld".

str_to_snake(string $string)

Convert group of words into snake case.

str_to_snake("Hello World") // Returns "hello_world".

str_to_kebab(string $string)

Convert group of words into kebab case.

str_to_kebab("Hello World") // Returns "hello-world".

str_to_pascal(string $string)

Convert group of words into pascal case.

str_to_pascal("Hello World") // Returns "HelloWorld".

str_camel_to_snake(string $string)

Convert string from camel case to snake case.

str_camel_to_snake("helloWorld") // Returns "hello_world".

str_camel_to_kebab(string $string)

Convert string from camel case to kebab case.

str_camel_to_kebab("helloWorld") // Returns "hello-world".

str_camel_to_pascal(string $string)

Convert string from camel case to pascal case.

str_camel_to_pascal("helloWorld") // Returns "HelloWorld".

str_snake_to_camel(string $string)

Convert string from snake case to camel case.

str_snake_to_camel("hello_world") // Returns "helloWorld".

str_snake_to_kebab(string $string)

Convert string from snake case to kebab case.

str_snake_to_kebab("hello_world") // Returns "hello-world".

str_snake_to_pascal(string $string)

Convert string from snake case to pascal case.

str_snake_to_pascal("hello_world") // Returns "HelloWorld".

str_kebab_to_camel(string $string)

Convert string from kebab case to camel case.

str_kebab_to_camel("hello-world") // Returns "helloWorld".

str_kebab_to_snake(string $string)

Convert string from kebab case to snake case.

str_kebab_to_snake("hello-world") // Returns "hello_world".

str_kebab_to_pascal(string $string)

Convert kebab case string to pascal case.

str_kebab_to_pascal("hello-world") // Returns "HelloWorld".

str_pascal_to_camel(string $string)

Convert string from pascal case string to camel case.

str_pascal_to_camel("HelloWorld") // Returns "helloWorld".

str_pascal_to_snake(string $string)

Convert string from pascal case to snake case.

str_pascal_to_snake("HelloWorld") // Returns "hello_world".

str_pascal_to_kebab(string $string)

Convert string from pascal case to kebab case.

str_pascal_to_kebab("HelloWorld") // Returns "hello-world".

str_camel_to_words(string $string)

Convert camel case string to words.

str_camel_to_words("helloWorld") // Returns "hello world".

str_snake_to_words(string $string)

Convert snake case string to words.

str_snake_to_words("hello_world") // Returns "hello world".

str_kebab_to_words(string $string)

Convert kebab case string to words.

str_kebab_to_words("hello-world") // Returns "hello world".

str_pascal_to_words(string $string)

Convert pascal case string to words.

str_pascal_to_words("HelloWorld") // Returns "hello world".

str_truncate(string $string, int $max)

Truncate string if exceeded the maximum charachters and automatically append "..." at the end of the string.

str_truncate("Hello World!!!", 8) // Returns "Hello...".

str_random(int $length = 10, int $pool = 0)

Generate a random string.

str_random(10, STR_RANDOM_DEFAULT); // Return random alphanumeric characters.
str_random(10, STR_RANDOM_NUMBERS); // Return random numbers.
str_random(10, STR_RANDOM_LETTERS); // Return random letters.
str_random(10, STR_RANDOM_LETTERS_UPPERCASE); // Return random uppercase letters.
str_random(10, STR_RANDOM_LETTERS_LOWERCASE); // Return random lowercase letters.


For issues, concerns and suggestions, you can email James Crisostomo via nerdlabenterprise@gmail.com.


This package is an open-sourced software licensed under MIT License.