
Send logs to Telegram chat via Telegram bot

v1.0.0 2025-01-12 13:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-12 14:10:13 UTC


Send logs to Telegram chat via Telegram bot


composer require grkamil/laravel-telegram-logging

Define Telegram Bot Token and chat id (users telegram id) and set as environment parameters. Add to .env


Add to config/logging.php file new channel:

'telegram' => [
    'driver' => 'custom',
    'via'    => Logger\TelegramLogger::class,
    'level'  => 'debug',

If your default log channel is a stack, you can add it to the stack channel like this

'stack' => [
    'driver' => 'stack',
    'channels' => ['single', 'telegram'],

Or you can simply change the default log channel in the .env


Publish config file and views

php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Logger\TelegramLoggerServiceProvider"

Telegram Logging Formats

You can choose among two different formats that you can specify in the .env file like this :

# Use a minimal log template
TELEGRAM_LOGGER_TEMPLATE = laravel-telegram-logging::minimal

# Or use the backward compatible one (default setting used even without inserting this row)
TELEGRAM_LOGGER_TEMPLATE = laravel-telegram-logging::standard

It is possible to create other blade templates and reference them in the TELEGRAM_LOGGER_TEMPLATE entry

Create bot

For using this package you need to create Telegram bot

  1. Go to @BotFather in the Telegram
  2. Send /newbot
  3. Set up name and bot-name for your bot.
  4. Get token and add it to your .env file (it is written above)
  5. Go to your bot and send /start message

Change log template at runtime

  1. Change config for template.
  1. Use Log as usual.

Configuring a different chat id or token per channel

  1. Add chat_id or token to channels in config/logging.php. Overrides config('telegram.chat_id').
    'channels' => [
            'company' => [
                'driver' => 'custom',
                'via' => TelegramLogger::class,
                'chat_id' => env('TELEGRAM_COMPANY_CHAT_ID'),
                'token' => env('TELEGRAM_COMPANY_BOT_TOKEN'),
                'level' => 'debug'

            'operations' => [
                'driver' => 'custom',
                'via' => TelegramLogger::class,
                'chat_id' => env('TELEGRAM_OPERATIONS_CHAT_ID'),
                'token' => env('TELEGRAM_OPERATIONS_BOT_TOKEN'),
                'level' => 'debug'
  1. Use Log as usual.

Lumen support

To make it work with Lumen, you need also run two steps:

  1. Place config/telegram-logger.php file with following code:

return [
    // Telegram logger bot token
    'token' => env('TELEGRAM_LOGGER_BOT_TOKEN'),

    // Telegram chat id
    'chat_id' => env('TELEGRAM_LOGGER_CHAT_ID'),
    // you can define your custom template for message
    // e.g: logging.template
    // 'template' => 'some your view path'
  1. Uncomment $app->withFacades(); and configure the file $app->configure('telegram-logger'); at bootstrap/app.php
  2. Place default Laravel/Lumen logging file to config/logging.php (to add new channel).

Proxy support

To use a proxy server, set the variable in the .env
