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Code styles for Magento

2.1.0 2022-01-24 12:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-24 17:59:57 UTC


Code Sniffer Rules for Magento 1

This rule based on Magento Extension Quality Program Coding Standard


Composer create:

$ composer create-project jakubciszak/mg-codestandards

The scripts to set installed_paths should be running and write the info:

Config value "installed_paths" added successfully

Basic usage

Select a standard to run with CodeSniffer:

Run CodeSniffer: Go to project directory:

$ cd mg-codestandards
$ vendor/bin/phpcs </path/to/moduleOrFile> --standard=MG1 

Setting up PHPSTORM

File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | Quality Tools

Code sniffer -> ... near Configuration. Set "PHP Code Sniffer Path" to: /<YOURPATH>/mg-codestandards/vendor/bin/phpcs

Next go to File | Settings | Editor | Inspections Find PHP Code Sniffer Validation and select Condig Standard to MG1

Company standards

You can create your own company standards based on mg-codestandards. To do this, create a special_paths.cfg file in project root directory, and add line with absolute path to your standards directory. Eg. /home/user/rules. Next, run the bin/setup script.